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Messages: 1 - 29 of 29
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by Stressed out (U11163734) on Sunday, 14th November 2010

    As this year is now over, what would we like to see on next years show?

    Could you keep it to short bullet points

    No criticism of the current presenters or requests for other presenters just what we would like to see?????????

    It could be interesting..................................

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by drwalter (U1365507) on Monday, 15th November 2010

    Well, start off with a RADIO TIMES feature that includes a two page spread illustration of the "garden", highlighting areas that will be subject to a project.

    I would like to see better filming as many of the crucial steps shown are lost as the camera pans around as if he/she was washing gold nuggets. For example, when Toby was seperating the Streptocarpus plantlets the camera was behind his hand and you could not see where he was cutting. If they want a trendy camera look to GW then opt for "split-screen" like the TV drama, 24. It shows different views of the same action. I would like the camera work to be more dilligent - GW is never going to win a BAFTA for best camerawork or editing unless it improves.

    Sequential storyboarding is key to the show's success. Don't hop around from task to task. Deceide on what needs to be done, film it and end it.

    More on-screen caption "labeling" would be nice.

    How about a return to a "weather forecast" but officially with the Met Office Tv presenters. We have weather for the farmers on Sunday - so how about weather for the weekend (what's the ration of gardeners/DIYers compared to farmers in the UK?)? Monty used to do a voice-over (I would have liked on-screen graphics too).

    Let's have more seed sowing that everyone can do. Hanging baskets seed sowings sch as Lobelia, bizzy lizzies, pelagoniums, beginia.

    It was interesting that Toby's lawn care feature was filmed in another garden; NO! The GW should have everything. Plan ahead and keepat least one grassy area unkept. Let tomatoes get blight or amass white flies so we, the humble gardener, can empathise with the problems. GW seems too safe and santitised (although they have admitted a few disasters). The plot must have rats or foxes so how about feature on, well, extermination or prevention.

    JOBS FOR THE WEEKEND - move to the middle of the show and expand in time.

    The "voice-over" recordings were often recorded in the GW Portaloo surely. Too "tinny" and worst than hospital radio.

    Overall, ditch any gimmicky plans for 2011 and keep focussed on plants, seeds and soil. No DIGIN, no recipes, no celebrities, no instant gardening, no furtive camera shots.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by ROGER50 (U14340309) on Monday, 15th November 2010

    wouldnt it be good to repeat GW at another time like most of the programmes .ie spooks and Apprentice it does seem unfair it is one of the few programmes that arent repeated during the week.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Pumpkin_Patch_Paul (U14565900) on Monday, 15th November 2010

    Everything Dr Who stated plus the repeat would be nice, also a straight line back to Berryfields,leave all the cooking celebs ect as mentioned back at Greenacres.

    Also for them to remember not everybody owns big gardens.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Lowena (U14575314) on Monday, 15th November 2010

    1. More emphasis on herbacious perennials,more flowers in general
    2.Regular slots on alpines and succulents
    3.What to grow on staging in the greenhouse,each season
    4.Longer slots for "what to do this week"
    5.Updates on all the beds and borders at Greenacres,regularly
    6.A plan each week of Greenacres,highlighting the areas they'll be working in
    7.Something on design and garden features
    8.Something on identification of common weeds and how to eradicate them
    Hope that was the sort of list you meant........

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Lowena (U14575314) on Monday, 15th November 2010

    I know I mistyped herbaceous........sorry
    I'd also like a look ( just once each) at the presenter's own gardens......please?

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Obelixx (U2157162) on Monday, 15th November 2010

    We've seen their gardens already Lowena.

    I'd like a regular propagation slot - seeds, cuttings, divisions, layering, etc - for whatever group pf plants can be increased or grown that way at the relevant time of year.

    A regular What plant, what place spot to cover aspect, soil, shelter or not.

    A regular design feature for problem areas - odd shaped gardens, short ones, narrow ones, wide ones, shaded , exposed and so on.

    Planned, coherent content with follow up in subsequent weeks and seasons with a careful eye on qualityn budgets, durability, sustainability, desirability.

    Regular slots from RHS gardens and gardeners.

    Regular visits to gardens and nurseries of excellence, presented by a designer and/or plants person.

    Respect from the production team - camera angles and focus, script and editing, sub titles for plant names - who need to assume we're not all old and doddery or young and inexperienced with a short attention span.

    Gardening is fun but also hard work. I don't like seeing it belittled the way the last 2 series of GW have done.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Lowena (U14575314) on Monday, 15th November 2010

    Well, I'd like to see them again smiley - smiley

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Obelixx (U2157162) on Tuesday, 16th November 2010

    Nothing to write home about. Toby's is bitty. Alys' is a tiny terrace garden laid out for growing veggies with flowers as per her recent programme and Joe's is a London terrace with straight lines and large garden sofas. There was a posting on A4A about the state of his front garden - mess - and the state he left the allotment in when he abandoned it - .

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Sparky (U6716422) on Friday, 19th November 2010

    I agree with Obelixx, Those are the sort of areas I'd expect a quality program to cover. We only get on GW - so make it a quality one!

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Summerchild (U14187397) on Friday, 19th November 2010

    Lowena said it for me.


    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Colin (U2252951) on Saturday, 20th November 2010

    They should just follow the Beechgrove Garden content, but transmit it 4 to 5 weeks sooner. But no community gardens please!

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by janebal (U13998944) on Saturday, 20th November 2010

    Agree with all of your ideas Obelixx.
    Would certainly like a section on perennial plants for different situations ( e.g. South/North facing areas) as you mention.
    Agree about the need for better camera work when demonstrating how to propogate - they never get really close up and don't give you time to take in the procedures.
    Could we also have advice on all the perennials that are slug resistant - it has taken me years of growing plants to find this out and it could save new gardeners a lot of time and money.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by novicedippychick (U9694696) on Sunday, 21st November 2010

    I would like a dedicated programme for Fruit and Veg growing so that I could get more info from GW about gardening with perennials, annuals, shrubs, garden design etc.
    Keep GW at it's current time and maybe have the other programme on on Wed or Thurs, not much else on TV then anyway.


    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Spruance (U3241323) on Sunday, 21st November 2010

    What particularly irritates me about Gardener's World, especially in view of the target audience is the insistence on giving all measurements in metric measure. smiley - steam

    It is rather ironic that in a country (UK) where it is still illegal for road signs to be displayed in anything other than imperial measurements that whilst watching a gardening programme on TV you almost need a metric/imperial conversion tape measure or calculator handy to know what the presenters are on about.
    I don't mind Toby and co using metric but why not give the imperial equivalent too?

    Aside from that, a better mix of content to suit both new and more experienced gardeners would be a good start. Try watching some re-runs with the late great Geoff Hamilton as presenter if you want some tips.smiley - winkeye


    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by Lowena (U14575314) on Monday, 22nd November 2010

    We've been metric in this country for almost 40yrs.

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Palaisglide (U3102587) on Monday, 22nd November 2010

    We've been metric in this country for almost 40yrs.  
    That may be so but why do I convert them in my head to Imperial?
    1 Pint to 0.568 litre 1 Gallon to 4.546 litre.
    I do all my cooking in Imperial and all my measuring in feet and inches. I automatically think of two metres as six feet six and three quarters of an inch.
    Being an engineer we knew both systems long before they became forced upon us but the metric was always the interloper to me.
    Long hours driving on the Continent still never stopped my brain changing Kilometres to miles per hour and now never will.
    Until we die out then it is easy to say 1 Metre or 39 inches near enough.
    Just my take on things.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Spruance (U3241323) on Monday, 22nd November 2010

    Yes well said Frank. smiley - winkeye

    Not only that but even though I was only 12 years old when we went decimal on Feb 15th 1971, for such like as prices under a pound It comes as a great shock when you realise what it would have cost in £sd.

    Eight shilings and tuppence for a first class stamp (now) when an annual dog licence (then) was only seven shillings and sixpence! I can well remember my mother's reaction at the corner shop on Decimal Day when an orange that had been 10d the day before had suddenly shot up to 5p (new pence). "A Shilling for an orange? I'm not paying that!", and we decamped from the shop in great haste. smiley - smiley

    I worked in logistics for over 30 years and yes that was metric throughout but I was taught £sd and imperial measurements at primary school and like Frank I still think in those terms when I am at home.

    If imperial measures are good enough for the USA then they're good enough for the UK too.


    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Trillium (U2170869) on Monday, 22nd November 2010

    I was nine when decimalisation came in. I remember sitting on a stool in my Dad's hardware shop helping him do the conversions and re-pricing everything.

    Possibly my age group are the pivot group - I'm fairly ambidextrous about decimal/imperial measures.

    I'm fine in centimetres, inches, feet, yards and metres. I see them as sequential lengths, somehow.

    Temperatures swap over at about 61F - below that I think in Centigrade and above it in Fahrenheit - so a heatwave is in the 90's and frosty weather is subzero.

    In weights I can do stones or kilos for people, pounds and ounces or grams and kilos for cooking. But above my own weight it has to be kilos, or cubic metres.

    For short distances metres is fine, but long distances have to be miles - that's what we see on all our road signs after all.

    So perhaps I mean perplexed rather than ambidextrous!

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Lowena (U14575314) on Tuesday, 23rd November 2010

    Just a point Frank - my name is LOWENA not Rowena . Lowena means bliss or happiness smiley - winkeye

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Laura (U9085143) on Tuesday, 23rd November 2010

    I like to see Aly's garden but cringe whenever she 'picks and eats' with the little dog going 'who knows where' among the edibles.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Trillium (U2170869) on Tuesday, 23rd November 2010

    As per a comment I left on an earlier 'suggestions' thread, I'd like the programme to get stuck into the horticultural retail world and do some 'demystification'.

    Most people find the array of products quite bewildering and I'd like to see the presenters tackle a topic, turn over the packaging and explain what's what.

    For example - weedkillers - words like 'total' 'residual' 'systemic' 'contact' 'selective' - what means what? What is approved for use on edibles (even if the presenters argue against their use they should discuss what is legally on sale).

    The garden centre represents most viewers primary point of contact with gardening and the show should acknowledge that, I think. Lovely though of course it would be if everyone made their own compost and brewed their own comfrey feeds, it just ain't like that in the real world.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by lucasfred (U14708098) on Wednesday, 1st December 2010

    1.Basic filming. Wide shot of the garden so we actually get to see it. No blurring then coming into focus.It's uneccessary.
    2.Can we see more of what the garden looks like once you have completed a project. e.g. when you plant a daffodil spiral can we see it latter on when its in flower, or make a section of the website dedicated to photos of Greenacre, so we can see what the outcomes of all your projects are.

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by happytobyfan (U13663471) on Thursday, 2nd December 2010

    Completely agree. As I've said before, it's what GH did, what AT did and what Beechgrove still do very week, throughout their filming season.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Raymondscat (U14715078) on Monday, 6th December 2010

    I`d like to see Alys Fowlers Edible Garden repeated as missed a few episodes last time and thought it was very good. Also some Practical tips like the late Geoff Hamilton used to give. Inspiring...And they were cheap to do!

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by pjgolf (U2469936) on Tuesday, 7th December 2010

    I would like to see Monty Don as lead presenter in his own garden.

    I dont suppose this will ever happen though !!!!

    He He......

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Obelixx (U2157162) on Wednesday, 8th December 2010

    Have a look at this then -

    No mention of course of where they found the info................................

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Obelixx (U2157162) on Wednesday, 8th December 2010

    See this -

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Matster (U1045348) on Wednesday, 8th December 2010

    If you do an camera shot of a set of flowers / plants / tree - please put up a name to identify it. I know this happens some times, but often there will be a camera shot and a caption does not appear to define what plants are shown. PLEASE put more captions in, we are not all plant indentification experts.

    Report message29

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