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Thanks alot Ö÷²¥´óÐã, discriminate against thousands of us...

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Messages: 1 - 15 of 15
  • Message 1.Ìý

    Posted by Jo76 (U14811506) on Saturday, 12th March 2011

    Licence fee. Oh yes, what is it for? The Ö÷²¥´óÐã claims it is culturally responsible and there as an educator. For whom? Those with years of extensive gardening knowledge or for the millions of 30 somethings who are venturing into the world of gardening? Last nights broadcast was a fine example of the former. Toby and Alyss opened a door for those of us that love gardeing but only have small town gardens and limited knowledge. Monty may be the Don but his audience is small. PLEASE Ö÷²¥´óÐã, WE NEED SOME HELP, NOT PATRONISING. In addition, who has a two acre garden? This is classic example of Ö÷²¥´óÐã snobbery, class division and ageism. I am very upset.

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by burchy1 (U11126467) on Saturday, 12th March 2011

    I totally agree with everything you have said Jo76, and i hope the Ö÷²¥´óÐã are listening, because you have highlighted an area which could be a springboard for another gardening show aimed at the millions of 30 somethings, called maybe small town gardening, hosted by Toby and Alyss, with a new younger production crew, it would be interesting to see the viewing figures, against those of GW.

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  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by honestGreengrass (U11104227) on Saturday, 12th March 2011

    I think it says it all when prime time Saturday night there's rugby on Ö÷²¥´óÐã1 and football on ITV1. Thank goodness for Sky TV!

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Houdy222 (U8365378) on Saturday, 12th March 2011

    I remember that Alan T hosted the programme from his own garden and nobody complained.

    Just because he has a big garden doesn't mean that everything is going to be on a big scale. He showed you how to divide snowdrops, thats for novices, how to sow shallots and beetrooot, also for novices.

    the show has only been on once and already you are whingeing. For crying out loud, CIVE THE GUY A CHANCE .

    It's god nothing to do with snobbery

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by dannyson (U7870976) on Saturday, 12th March 2011

    And Geoff Hamilton from his own large garden - no complaints about that either ....... snobbery - what the............??

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by kfgray (U14470933) on Saturday, 12th March 2011

    Licence fee. Oh yes, what is it for? The Ö÷²¥´óÐã claims it is culturally responsible and there as an educator. For whom? Those with years of extensive gardening knowledge or for the millions of 30 somethings who are venturing into the world of gardening? Last nights broadcast was a fine example of the former. Toby and Alyss opened a door for those of us that love gardeing but only have small town gardens and limited knowledge. Monty may be the Don but his audience is small. PLEASE Ö÷²¥´óÐã, WE NEED SOME HELP, NOT PATRONISING. In addition, who has a two acre garden? This is classic example of Ö÷²¥´óÐã snobbery, class division and ageism. I am very upset.Ìý Well I am not sure it is quite Ö÷²¥´óÐã class war , But indeed Monty Don's back garden all two acres of it , It is a poor plot. Like you I have a small back garden, more like Alys's. As do most people who watch. From what I saw It has very little to appeal to the real public. I will not be coppicing any hazels, pruning my Lime avenue. Or my formal clipped Box balls, as I have not got 20 years for cuttings to take .
    And if my memory is correct last time Mr Don was in charge the viewing figures sank like the Titanic. I expect that there was some outstanding contractual matters

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  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by msc112244 (U14813322) on Monday, 14th March 2011

    I remember that Alan T hosted the programme from his own garden and nobody complained.

    Just because he has a big garden doesn't mean that everything is going to be on a big scale. He showed you how to divide snowdrops, thats for novices, how to sow shallots and beetrooot, also for novices.

    the show has only been on once and already you are whingeing. For crying out loud, CIVE THE GUY A CHANCE .

    It's god nothing to do with snobberyÌý
    I think the point Jo76 was trying to make is that the garden shown is not what most of us whom are trying to start out as novice gardeners have.

    Also if i remember correctly when Alan T did present from his garden it was a case of a garden very much like Greenacre where the overall real estate may have been 2 + acres but each area had a distinct purpose and the informaiton on how to look after these smaller areas was presented in a far more user friendly manner.

    As for your comment on dividing snow drops oh yeah Houdy222 i will just pop down through the lime avenuse and box display to the copse i have growing at the bottom of my town garden and divide the snowdrops i think not......

    Also for the shallots and beetroot just out of curiosity i checked the seed packets i have for shallots and beetroot and these offered more information that was provided by Monty D in a less dry manner if thats possbile from a packet that
    is meant to be kept dry.....

    Cmon Ö÷²¥´óÐã and GW, Why not tell us what we need to hear about at this time of the year, such as how to prepare the ground, whats plant we can and cant grow or even how to recover some of the casutalies of the harsh winter we have just been through

    Further to all the above the information provided by the Don was not that usefull,fine tell me there are 3 types of clematis and the one you have is type 3 Monty but what about the other 2 types how do i dientfy and treat those,

    and as got the Racheal and Joe pond cleaning roadshow well at least i know there is a moment in the programme if i keep watchin when i can go fill up the flaggon of red to dull the pain and loss of such a great series as Gardenrs world as it was.

    wow rant over
    A Mightyly Vexed Novice

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by the cycling gardener (U2350416) on Monday, 14th March 2011

    There is some inverted snobbery going on about the size of Monty's garden, his box balls etc which I find very sad. AT's garden was large, so was GH's Barnsdale. Monty's large garden is divided up by hedging into clearly defined smaller areas. It doesn't matter whether you have 2 acres or a handkerchief sized garden, the techniques and gardening calendar are the same regardless of space. A group 3 clematis will need the same attention in 2 acres or 20 feet.

    By putting Monty in his garden, Carol on inspirational garden visits and Rachel and Joe tackling jobs in a variety of gardens (large/small/suburban/rural) there should be something for everyone. Friday's programme was the first of a very long season. There are many weeks to fill (your average suburban back garden isn't going to cut it for the duration) and no doubt many topics will be covered. Everyone's pet subject can't be covered on week one.

    I've watched GW for ever. It has never been, nor can it be, the only source material for newbie gardeners although reading some posts on here some newbies come to GW expecting just that - a step by step guide to starting a garden - oh, and it should be a small one at that . It is about a variety of techniques and ideas that gardeners from newbie to professional can cherry pick and apply to their own plot. It can never please all the people all the time.

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  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Jo76 (U14811506) on Monday, 14th March 2011

    I totally agree with everything you have said Jo76, and i hope the Ö÷²¥´óÐã are listening, because you have highlighted an area which could be a springboard for another gardening show aimed at the millions of 30 somethings, called maybe small town gardening, hosted by Toby and Alyss, with a new younger production crew, it would be interesting to see the viewing figures, against those of GW.Ìý I have been party to discussions about GW since friday night...! My Mum, who is in Monty's fan club, stopped watching GW because of Alyss! Now that it is back to serving the high brow, experienced gardener (the type that knows all the latin names) who merely enjoys watching the programme and nodding knowingly at the screen...she is really pleased! Whilst I bow to those who are in the group and hold nothing but admiration for them, I feel so strongly about having a gardening program that educates the masses of enthusiastic novices. We want to be those in the know but we have to get there yet! Why can't the Ö÷²¥´óÐã/Rupert Murdoch cater for us all? My favourite is two programs, on a channel without adverts, that will please everyone? It's not like the viewing figures would be small. Have they SEEN the crowds at GW Live?!

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by kfgray (U14470933) on Monday, 14th March 2011

    There is some inverted snobbery going on about the size of Monty's garden, his box balls etc which I find very sad. AT's garden was large, so was GH's Barnsdale. Monty's large garden is divided up by hedging into clearly defined smaller areas. It doesn't matter whether you have 2 acres or a handkerchief sized garden, the techniques and gardening calendar are the same regardless of space. A group 3 clematis will need the same attention in 2 acres or 20 feet.

    By putting Monty in his garden, Carol on inspirational garden visits and Rachel and Joe tackling jobs in a variety of gardens (large/small/suburban/rural) there should be something for everyone. Friday's programme was the first of a very long season. There are many weeks to fill (your average suburban back garden isn't going to cut it for the duration) and no doubt many topics will be covered. Everyone's pet subject can't be covered on week one.

    I've watched GW for ever. It has never been, nor can it be, the only source material for newbie gardeners although reading some posts on here some newbies come to GW expecting just that - a step by step guide to starting a garden - oh, and it should be a small one at that . It is about a variety of techniques and ideas that gardeners from newbie to professional can cherry pick and apply to their own plot. It can never please all the people all the time.

    Your the snobby one mate just because the "newbie's" want to have a program that appeals to them you put them Down and assume that they do not understand that his garden is split up, as was the Tich's. If you read what people are saying unlike Alans which had a huge variation in planting style/ soil type and elevation.

    Monty Dons is a very formal garden, planted if a very formal manner by a very formal man, who is very stuck in his ways. Who ever leads the show must be able to offer huge amounts of variable style and infomation. He has an ancestor who was a pastor known for waging the finger and being to prechy it seems to be a family trait.

    Like you I have watched from Percy as a toddler some have inspired some have informed Alan T Geff H and the lovely Geffoery Smith how used to make me want to run out and garden even in the night. But only one has bored me the Don

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by Lowena (U14575314) on Tuesday, 15th March 2011

    Totally agree

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by ted1green (U13871363) on Tuesday, 15th March 2011

    not sure if this allowed a copy of my last post to another thread we could all do this then all the threads would contain the same massages e.g 1 thread many times over >

    i think the thing is; if you are to get any inspiration from anything such as art architecture, design craft, literature etc etc you need to look at the masters the purest and then work down from there. using the methods knowledge and ethos demonstrated. This is what MD & Carol Klein offer to garden.

    I see Toby's approach a bit more like blue peter & play. obviously there seems a need for both approaches for completely different audiences, equally valid. but for me a like to work towards a higher bench mark of knowledge in the hope that i might then reach some sort of standard, if the bench mark is set too low i fear that i would only become a 'garden center shopper' candles and all!


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  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by DiggerSean (U14704361) on Tuesday, 15th March 2011

    i think the thing is; if you are to get any inspiration from anything such as art architecture, design craft, literature etc etc you need to look at the masters the purest and then work down from there. using the methods knowledge and ethos demonstrated.


    I failed to see the inspiration to be honest, but early days I guess.

    I also think you do Toby an injustice in putting him on a level with Blue Peter and then to put Monty on a level as one of the great masters! I'm pretty sure that with 20 years to mature Greenacre would have looked rather different to what it did after a couple of years, we'll never know now, which is a great shame.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Pumpkin_Patch_Paul (U14565900) on Wednesday, 16th March 2011

    To be honest if I was a bird and flew over Montys garden I think I would drop out of the sky through boredom...

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by cufcskim (U14483815) on Wednesday, 16th March 2011

    died of boredom yet?

    Report message15

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