
Proms 2024
31 Lùna 2023, Royal Albert Hall

Proms 2023 Prom 60: Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin

Prom 60
Prom 60: Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin
19:30 Dia 31 Lùna 2023 Royal Albert Hall
Tonight we welcome the esteemed Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin – making its Proms debut under Chief Conductor Vladimir Jurowski in a programme of Rachmaninov’s Symphony No. 3, Thomas Adès’s Piano Concerto and Weill’s Kleine Dreigroschenmusik.
Tonight we welcome the esteemed Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin – making its Proms debut under Chief Conductor Vladimir Jurowski in a programme of Rachmaninov’s Symphony No. 3, Thomas Adès’s Piano Concerto and Weill’s Kleine Dreigroschenmusik.




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Rachmaninov’s 150th-anniversary celebrations continue with the composer’s final symphony, a work tinged with yearning. ‘Only one place is closed to me,’ Rachmaninov wrote after his exile in the USA, ‘and that is my own country, Russia.’ Following in the virtuoso tradition of Rachmaninov is Thomas Adès’s Piano Concerto, performed here by Kirill Gerstein, who gave the 2019 premiere. The work’s sardonic brilliance finds an echo in the suite from Kurt Weill’s Die Dreigroschenoper (‘The Threepenny Opera’), with its famous ‘Ballad of Mack the Knife’. Coming after last week’s visitors from Boston (where Adès’s concerto was premiered), tonight we welcome the esteemed Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin – 100 this year – making its Proms debut under Chief Conductor Vladimir Jurowski.

Image: Kirill Gerstein © Marco Borggreve

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Proms 2023