
Proms 2024
15 Iúil 2006, Royal Albert Hall

Proms 2006 Prom 02

Prom 02
19:30 Sath 15 Iúil 2006 Royal Albert Hall


      • Idomeneo – ballet music
      • Mitridate, rè di Ponto, K 87Duet 'Se viver non degg'io'
      • Zaide, K 344Nur mutig, mein Herze Act 1
      • Lucio Silla, K 135Fra i pensier Act 3
      • The Abduction from the SeraglioFinale Act 2
      • La clemenza di Tito, K 621Overture
      • Don Giovanni (Act 1, Sc 15: Come mai cerder deggio... Dalla sua pace)
      • The Marriage of Figaro (Act 3, Sc 4: Vedrò, mentre io sospiro)
      • The Marriage of Figaro (Act 3, Sc 5: Riconosci in questo amplesso)
      • The Magic Flute (Act 2, Sc 18: Ach, ich fühl's)
      • Don GiovanniFinale Act 2 Scene 15



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Proms 2006

Imeachtaí eile ar 15 Iúil 2006