
Proms 2024
11 Dàmh 1920, Queen's Hall

Proms 1920 Prom 50

Prom 50
20:00 DiL 11 Dàmh 1920 Queen's Hall


      • °Õ²¹²Ô²Ô³óä³Ü²õ±ð°ùNo. 1 Overture
      • Tristan and IsoldePrelude and Liebestod
      • LohengrinNo. 4 Einsam in trüben Tagen Act 1 Scene 2
      • ParsifalNo. 27 Prelude Act 3
      • LohengrinNo. 1 Prelude Act 1
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        • °Õ²¹²Ô²Ô³óä³Ü²õ±ð°ùNo. 27 Inbrunst im Herzen Act 3 Scene 3
        • The Mastersingers of NurembergNo. 49 Dance of the Apprentices Act 3 Scene 5
        • The Mastersingers of NurembergNo. 50 Procession of the Masters Act 3 Scene 5
        • The Mastersingers of NurembergNo. 33 Prelude Act 3
        • The Mastersingers of NurembergNo. 51 Wach auf! es nahet gen den Tag Act 3 Scene 5
        • Viviane, Op 5
        • Fall, snowflakes World premiere
        • A calendar of songNo. 1 Wake up!
        • The fiddler snatched the violin from the wall
        • I must fly
        • Kamarinskaya



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    Proms 1920