
Proms 2024
29 Awst 2017, Royal Albert Hall

Proms 2017 Prom 60: Stravinsky, Rachmaninov and Shostakovich

Prom 60
Prom 60: Stravinsky, Rachmaninov and Shostakovich
19:30 Maw 29 Awst 2017 Royal Albert Hall
Vasily Petrenko conducts the Oslo Philharmonic in an all-Russian programme, featuring Stravinsky’s The Firebird suite, Rachmaninov’s Fourth Piano Concerto with Leif Ove Andsnes as soloist and Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 12.
Vasily Petrenko conducts the Oslo Philharmonic in an all-Russian programme, featuring Stravinsky’s The Firebird suite, Rachmaninov’s Fourth Piano Concerto with Leif Ove Andsnes as soloist and Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 12.



Ynglŷn â'r Digwyddiad Hwn

It would be impossible to mark this year’s centenary of the Russian Revolution without a performance of Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 12 – subtitled ‘The Year 1917’. Its sweeping, filmic music paints a portrait of Lenin, both as a man and a political force.

Acclaimed Shostakovich interpreter Vasily Petrenko conducts the Oslo Philharmonic in an all-Russian programme also featuring Stravinsky’s ever-popular suite from The Firebird and Rachmaninov’s mercurial Fourth Piano Concerto (continuing our cycle of the composer’s complete piano concertos).

Norwegian pianist Leif Ove Andsnes, whose Beethoven concerto cycle was a highlight of the 2015 Proms, returns as soloist.

Image: Leif Ove Andsnes © Özgür Albayrak

Digwyddiadau Eraill yn 29 Awst 2017