
Proms 2024
25 Iuch 1944, Royal Albert Hall

Proms 1944 Prom 39

Prom 39
19:00 DiM 25 Iuch 1944 Royal Albert Hall


      • Symphony No. 100 in G major 'Military'
      • Violin Concerto in E minor
      • The CreationNo. 24 Aria 'Mit Würd' und Hoheit angetan'
      • The CreationNo. 23 Recitative 'Und Gott schuf den Menschen'
      • Symphony No 4 in A major 'Italian'
      • Sinfonia Concertante in B flat major
      • A Midsummer Night’s Dream – incidental musicNo. 1 Scherzo
      • A Midsummer Night’s Dream – incidental musicNo. 6 Wedding March



About this event

This concert was cancelled by the authorities due to flying bombs 'doodle-bugs' which had started to fall on London in June 1944.

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Proms 1944