Reviewer's Rating 2 out of 5
Love & Sex (2000)

Frustrated Kate Welles (Famke Janssen) is a journalist on a women's magazine who is assigned 24 hours to prove she can write the romance story her editor demands. Her topic is finding the perfect man. Thinking back over her past relationships she comes to realise that she once had and then lost the perfect man, Adam Levy (Jon Favreau).

She loses us too. There's nothing especially wrong with the character and we can all identify with her jaded outlook on love, but she's a familiar character chiefly because we've seen her in so many other films.

Janssen is good in the lead role and Favreau is perhaps even better. He gets the best lines, and his fair share of duff ones too, but his Adam is a refreshingly real mix of the likeable and the dislikeable.

But the story is just too slight to sustain the film and the structure of having her recollect all her previous relationships during one day is flimsy. Writer/director Valerie Breiman seems to forget that structure most of the time and only throws it back in when we need to begin thinking of the ending and how to wrap things up.

Unfortunately, the self-consciously smart finish is a telegraphed inevitability right from the start.

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End Credits

Director: Valerie Breiman

Writer: Valerie Breiman

Stars: Famke Janssen, Jon Favreau, Noah Emmerich

Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama

Length: 82 minutes

Cinema: 29 September 2000

Country: USA

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