Josh Hartnett

40 Days and 40 Nights

Interviewed by Alec Cawthorne

We asked Josh Hartnett some of your questions about his career and new romantic comedy "40 Days and 40 Nights". Here are his answers...

When you look back at filming "40 Days and 40 Nights", what scenes did you enjoy doing the most? Renee

There isn't any one scene in particular that really stands out because they were all fun, but I suppose shooting the internet company scenes were the funniest. The other actors I was working with were basically a bunch of comedians, so joking around was a daily routine. But I had a good time the entire time.

Was it difficult shooting the naked ladies scenes? Sonja

To be honest I wasn't around for a lot of those scenes but I was there for the bit where the girls are sitting topless at the coffee shop, which was kind of weird. I mean, I've obviously seen a naked girl before but having a collection of them was a first! Actually, someone on set took a picture of me and the girls which became like a symbol for the movie.

As an actor, which war scenes were harder to film, those in "Pearl Harbor" or "Black Hawk Down". And which did you prefer? Laura Ovenden

As a film I preferred "Black Hawk Down", because when you get a situation like that, I think reality is very important. I think Ridley Scott did a great job at doing that. I like that dark, documentary style, it's not often you get a chance to do a movie like that. As an actor it was a lot more glamorous to shoot "Pearl Harbor", because we were in Hawaii, my girlfriend at the time was down there with me, and I was lying on the beach with Kate Beckinsale as opposed to lying in the dirt in Morocco with 50 other guys. It was a very different experience.

What do you look for when choosing your next project? Adam Yates

I look for the character to be something interesting, the script to have a good story and be original, and a director that I admire

Which directors do you admire?

Oh, I wouldn't know where to start, there's so many. A lot of it is timing with directors. Sometimes they'll do movies that aren't really them, just to get well known or for the money, but I admire directors who are passionate about the movies they make. I think Steven Soderbergh would be a great director to work with. I actually got in touch with him last year but I never heard back from him, so that's his loss!

What was it like to change roles from the battle horror of "Black Hawk Down" to the romantic comedy of "40 Days"? Laura Smith

I actually did "40 Days" before "Black Hawk Down", so it was kind of a shock to go from this light-hearted comedy to playing in such a serious subject like war. It was quite traumatic to go through.

Were you comfortable with the comedy role?

The comedy wasn't easy for me. I'd never done it before so it was a real challenge for me. I thoroughly enjoyed it though and would definitely do another one.

What was your hardest character to get into? Sammy and Shelly

Probably the comedy. I'm not a natural comedic actor so I struggled with it at first.

Are you a method actor, did you give up sex for your role in "40 Days"? Hannah Elsy

Yes I did take the vow myself, but I didn't last long! I can't even tell you how many days, it's too pathetic.

Which of your films are you most proud of? Shan

I'm proud of "Black Hawk Down" because I think it told a provocative story and it was honest. It could have had more opportunity to tell both sides of the story but I'm still proud of it. "Virgin Suicides", I think Sofia Coppola did an amazing job for a first time film maker, and "O", I thought it was a clever re-telling of Shakespeare's "Othello".

No mention of "Pearl Harbor" there?

Yeah, I'm proud of a lot of elements of it but I'm sick of talking about it now, so that's probably why that one didn't spring straight to mind.

"40 Days and 40 Nights" is released in the UK on 31st May 2002.