Jennifer Sky

My Little Eye

Interviewed by Anwar Brett

How did you enjoy filming "My Little Eye" in the snowy expanse of Nova Scotia?

I'm from Florida, so I thought it was way too cold. We flew into Halifax on this scary propeller plane, which was a little nerve-wracking. But for the first couple of months there it was really fun. We threw snowballs, made snowmen and took a lot of pictures.

Was being filmed for the movie similar to what your characters experience, being under 24-hour surveillance?

I come from a TV background, so for me this more like doing a freeing theatre piece because we'd go into a room and do the scene, instead of doing it as a wide shot, medium shot, and close up with only the odd line of dialogue. It was supposed to be very realistic, it was intrusive, and it made us all uncomfortable. But that was the whole point.

Does it demand a change in your approach or technique, when you're playing a person who is a contestant on some kind of reality show?

I came on to the film with a very happy-go-lucky attitude which I think my character, Charlie, did when she went into the house. I expected it to be good, and then slowly things started to change for us all. I actually didn't think about trying to be 'non-actorly' in my playing of Charlie. I came at it thinking this was going to be really fun, but once I was done, I was vomiting on the plane home. But that was probably more to do with the wrap party the night before.