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Keeping Clean on Active Serviceicon for Recommended story

by Ron Goldstein

Contributed by听
Ron Goldstein
People in story:听
Ron Goldstein and Larry Fox
Location of story:听
In North Africa and Italy
Background to story:听
Article ID:听
Contributed on:听
04 December 2004

The swimming pool at Heliopolis in Egypt

The WW2 Team, recently posed the following question: "I just read a rather amusing story about soldiers having a bath in Belgium (A2725193) and I wonder if any of you have bath time memories to contribute. How DID you all keep clean? Especially in the desert? Answers as articles please, and first prize goes to the one who provides a photograph as well."

Well, who could resist a challenge like that? Certainly not I, so I scoured my memory for an appropriate response.

At training depots, ie in barracks in England and at the RAC depot in Rieti, no problem there at all. Plenty of running water and sometimes even hot water in the showers! The problems arose in the field (for the benefit of non-military folk that means whilst in the line).

Necessity has always been the mother of invention and so there were always ways round the lack of conventional means of bathing. We all had our own cut-down petrol cans and, time permitting, some means of heating the water. In the 4th Hussars we used to use pellets of cordite taken from Verey light cartridges for an immediate source of heat. The same fuel was often used for a quick brew-up.

The regimental water carts usually managed to visit us at least twice a week and at the cry, 'Water cart up!' everyone used to come running, loaded with jerrycans or similar containers.

Any chance of a dip in the sea was also always quickly taken up. I have swum in the sea at Carthage in North Africa, off the side of the SS 主播大秀r Lee in Augusta in Sicily, in the sea again at a rest camp in Termoli.

On day leave in Cairo I visited the all ranks swimming pool at Heliopolis and that's me in the snap above.

The most civilised of all our 'keep yourself clean' operations was certainly the YMCA in Trieste. I have already written about this in my story Trieste, October 1945 to January 1947 so I'll not dwell on it here.

The funniest story about keeping clean in the field has got to be the one that concerns my good friend Larry Fox.

Larry, a keep fit enthusiast in civilian life, was determined to get himself a good tan at the expense of HM Forces. At every opportunity he would sunbathe, strictly against standing orders that regarded sunbathing as not only a waste of good time but likely to risk sunburn and regarded by the Army as a self-inflicted wound.

On one occasion, Larry was caught in the act by BSM Lillie, who promptly hauled him up before the OC on a charge of 'Conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline'.

When the case came up before Major Mouland, Larry conducted his own defence which was, in effect, that he was washing himself at the time, as could be seen by the presence of his washing bowl.

Major Mouland asked BSM Lillie, 'Did you see his washing bowl, Sgt Major?'

A puzzled Lillie admitted he hadn't.

Mouland said, 'I'm afraid that I find the charge unproven, case dismissed.'

A triumphant Larry was marched smartly away and ever after used to see that he always had a washing bowl to hand!

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These messages were added to this story by site members between June 2003 and January 2006. It is no longer possible to leave messages here. Find out more about the site contributors.

Message 1 - kEEPING CLEAN

Posted on: 16 May 2005 by Maurice W

Hi! Ron it's Maurice 5th.Bat.the Buffs D coy.Area north of Bologna weather Snow and Ice. A unit arrived with a large tent and inside there were shower heads next to this about 20 yds away was a tent tent for personal to disrobe the dirty washing was put in a canvas bag suitably labelled with name and army number, we had been told to bring a change of clothing with us, temperature below zero the distance to the shower tent covered in record time, I never did discover the apparatus that warmed the water,we were not given much time to enjoy the warmth, every body out get dressed.Mum would never have allowed us to put on clothes not properly aired,I to enjoyed swimming in the swimming pool at Heliopolis.All the best Ron

Message 2 - kEEPING CLEAN

Posted on: 02 June 2005 by Ron Goldstein

Hi Maurice
Sorry about not replying earlier.
One of the problems about writing more than one article on this site is that you have to occasionally go round looking for responses (anyway, that's my excuse!).
I've forgotten whether or not the Buffs were in 78 Div, if so this would account for our both having enjoyed the pool at Heliopolis.
Do you remember when we first got Yankee shirts and underwear. We even got ties and that was a smack in the eye for the officers !
I know I sometimes sound like an ad for the 主播大秀 but please dig up your Army photos, get someone to scan them for you and let us all see you, as you were, so many years ago.

Best wishes


Message 3 - kEEPING CLEAN

Posted on: 03 June 2005 by Maurice W

Thanks Ron for the reply, I have many photos of when we were young? if we ever were after 1939.I have a scanner and did send a photo but must have done something wrong. Spent a leave in Rome and stopped off in Florence,but due to a difference of opinion with a jumped up Sgt.Major. was stopped from sight seeing of this city,and was next day on my way to join our mob.I have never learned to keep my mouth shut. I will try once again to scan a photo and send it for your perusal. Take care. Maurice.

Message 4 - kEEPING CLEAN

Posted on: 03 June 2005 by Maurice W

yes Ron my lovely wool Yankee shirt was cut off me as it was blood stained, bloody sacrilege. cheers.

Message 5 - kEEPING CLEAN

Posted on: 04 June 2005 by Maurice W

Sorry Ron I have a photo of myself saved on my computer,but the little grey cells have not been able to attach the photo for your perusal.Maurice

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