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15 October 2014
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Dolly's Memories of Whitehawk School Bomb Shelter

by Whitehawk School

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Contributed by听
Whitehawk School
People in story:听
Dolly Woolgar
Location of story:听
Whitehawk, Brighton
Background to story:听
Article ID:听
Contributed on:听
25 August 2005

Pupils interviewing ex-pupils at Whitehawk School

We are Heidi and Lauren we are mini journalists for the 主播大秀 from Whitehawk Primary School. We interviewed Dolly Woolgar about WW2. We were interviewing her because she was at our school in WW2.

Dolly told us loads of amazing stories about her life in WW2. She was shocked and frightened when she heard about WW2.

When she was at school during an air raid she had to go to the shelter. Dolly told us that she wasn鈥檛 afraid when she was in the air raid shelter because there was grass on the top so they were hidden. If she was in school doing work when the air raid siren went off they ran in to the air raid shelter. There were no toilets in the air raid shelter so they had to hold on until the all clear. Dolly said that there were no bugs or animals in the air raid shelter. There was some light but it was cold and damp so she was a bit shivery. She said that she heard some bombs but not many.

One morning when Dolly was in her lesson she and her sister sneaked out into the air raid shelter half an hour later her teacher was wondering where she was. They searched and found her in the air raid shelter so she got wiped with a ruler for being naughty. That afternoon she was walking home with her friend and the German planes were flying overhead so her and her friend hid in the drain. There were bullets being fired all around them. Dolly thought that someone was throwing stones in the drain as it sounded like stones bouncing up and hitting Dolly on the back. When they had gone she thought that she had been shoot then she looked behind to find the blood and there was no blood but there was bullet holes all over the path. After that they ran home as fast as they could.

The next day her and her brother were going to go to the cinema but her brother was being lippy to their mum. So Dolly's mum said he couldn't go. Then dolly had a go at her mum because her brother couldn鈥檛 go and she was frightened on her own. So her mum said they both couldn't go. When their dad was coming home from work (Dolly's dad had a kidney transplant that鈥檚 why he wasn't at war) he saw that the cinema had been bombed. He thought they were in there because he didn鈥檛 know that they had not been allowed to go so he ran in the cinema to look for them but couldn't find them. So he ran home as quick as he could. He got home and said to Dolly's mum "Where are the kids? Where are the kids? The cinemas been bombed". Dolly's mum said they had been naughty so they didn鈥檛 go luckily. From that day on Dolly believed in God.

Dolly's dad said we're moving to countryside it's too dangerous here. So they packed their case and rode on the donkey to the countryside. Dolly's dad sat at the front, dolly pulled the donkey and her brother sat on the back. Half way through the journey her brother fell off the back. 20 minutes later they thought where's Dolly's brother. So Dolly ran back and he was laying on the floor with a quilt. They got to their house. That night they had a bath and Dolly saw her Dad taking his top off and she say a scar she asked what it was. He told her about his kidney.

When her brother was 6 years old he was really ill. Dolly had to run to the doctor 3 times and he didn鈥檛 come. The next day she went to go to the doctor and when her and the doctor had came back he had died. One year after that her friend died so they moved back to Whitehawk.

After the war she found out that her brother had been waiting on Princess Margaret.

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