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15 October 2014
WW2 - People's War

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User ID: U1744303

Between 4 and 7 August, the 主播大秀 Bus from Lancashire visited the Isle of Man ... calling at Ramsey, Douglas and Port Erin.

More than 100 people shared their stories with the team over the four days, including those involved in the Isle of Man Arts Council community play "Wire and Wool".

The play focussed upon the 4,000 women who were interned on the Isle of Man during World War Two.

Stories contributed by Isle_Of_Man

Thames alight
No School for Me!
Fathers Time in Egypt
Peel Internment Camp
Keeping the aircraft fighting
Childhood memories
Bombing Over Christmasicon for Recommended story
My Lift to the Cemetary
The Shimmins war memories.
Second Chance
"The War's Over!"
My Wartime Childhood in the Isle of Man
5 Shillings for the War Effort
Low Flying Bomber
Bombers and Fighters
Rationing and bartering
Childhood Memories
The aliens have landed!
Hot Cocoa and Tommy Trinder
Hess's Fountain Pen
On My Own Again!
My Ninth Life
No Fresh Bread Allowed
Wartime holiday on the Isle of Manicon for Story with photo
Birmingham at War Part One
Birmingham at War Part Two
Ordnance in India-Burmaicon for Story with photo
Flare Chasing
My Parents were Interned
An Italian who Stayed
The Jet Engine
The Flying Fortress
Growing up in the Isle of Man
Growing up in the Isle of Man - part 2
Brief encounter
Interned at two
Birmingham Evacuee
Have you burnt the toast again?
A Taste of Dust
A Manx Civilian Child Living in Camp Rushen
Across the barricades
Growing up on the Isle of Manicon for Recommended story
WW2 in Timperley, 1939-45
A British born Alien Part One
Life in Pulrose, Isle of Man
The Mad Curate
A British born Alien Part Two
My mother's letter - transcript No 1
My Mother's Letter - Transcript no 2 - My First Experience as a Voluntary Canteen Worker
The Saucepan and the Pot
Hitler made my Uncle Bald!
The Tank with the Savings Stamps
Entertaining the Troops
One Man's War
Juan Christian, memories of my father - Part 1
A Childhood Behind the Wire
Travels from Russia
A little mascot
From Sale to the IOM - memories of growing up during the war
Growing up in Port Erin in the War
The Day I nearly Blew the Street Up
Jeans Years in the Land Army
My mother's letters from the Isle of Man - chapter one
My mother's letters from the Isle of Man - chapter two
My Mothers Letters from the Isle of Man - Chapter 3icon for Recommended story
My mother's letters from the Isle of Man chapter 3
My mother's ve day letter from the Isle of Manicon for Story with photo
Letter from America - to the Isle of Man
A Blue Day - a poem

Archive List
icon for Story with photoStory with photo

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