
Digital media for young people in Myanmar

How research informed our pioneering digital project, Ma Shet Ne (Don't Be Shy), on sexual and reproductive health

Shame and taboos persist around sexual and reproductive health in Myanmar, particularly among young people. Our project Ma Shet Ne (Don't Be Shy) has broken barriers among digitally connected young audiences, providing information they can trust on a wide range of sexual health topics, and supporting them to become more open-minded and confident to talk about the issues. 

Our popular  now has nearly 1.85 million likes and more than 2.67 million people following - and our viral video on  has had more than 21 million views! We have also introduced a chatbot to help answer questions from followers.

Our poster outlines the role research has played in understanding our audiences under difficult conditions; shaping the project for maximum impact; and demonstrating our outcomes.

Read more about the project.

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  • What are young Bangladeshi's most worried about? Are rural Kenyans interested in politics? Do Palestinian women trust the media? Find the answers in our data portal (last updated 2020).

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