
A month of comedy comes to 主播大秀 Wales

主播大秀 Wales unveils full details of Festival of Funny - a month-long star-studded season of comedy this October.

Published: 18 September 2018
This season showcases the range of comedy talent that currently exists in Wales - from brilliant comedy performers through to comedy writers, all of whom are absolutely at the top of their game.
— Paul Forde

Tourist Trap is a brand new mockumentary starring acclaimed comedy actress Sally Phillips. Known for her performances in Bridget Jones’s Diary, Miranda and Smack the Pony, she’s joined by some of the most established talents in Welsh comedy. Written by Sian Harries, Tudur Owen and Gareth Gwynn, the six part series is set around a fictional tourist board for Wales and stars Elis James, Mike Bubbins, Steve Speirs and many more familiar faces.

The best in Welsh stand-up share the stage with big comedy names, and new faces on the scene in Stand Up For 主播大秀 Wales. Presented by Anglesey’s Kiri Pritchard-MacLean, Mike Bubbins, Tudur Owen and Lloyd Langford are joined by The Mash Report’s Nish Kumar, Mock The Week’s Angela Barnes and Felicity Ward, fresh from the Edinburgh Festival.

Also part of the season are two one-off programmes. Bob Pugh (Game of Thrones) and Steve Speirs (Stella) come together for a one-off special of The Tuckers, written by Speirs. The sitcom, set in the south Wales valleys, tells the story of a family of chancers, low on cash but high on spirit - determined to survive through any means necessary.

In My Skin - co-commissioned with 主播大秀 Three - stars Rhodri Meilir (Hidden, Hinterland, Pride, My Family) and Jo Hartley (This Is England) and follows the double life of 16 year old Bethan Gwyndaf, and the reality of her home life - which is very different to the impression she gives her school friends.

Written by five Welsh writers, Outsiders is a new comedy drama with songs starring actor and singer Noel Sullivan (Ordinary Lies, Hear’Say) as Tom, who thinks it’s time his youth group got in touch with their inner selves, outside. But when group therapy and organised fun collide, bad things happen.

Halfway was commissioned as part of 主播大秀 Wales’ Find Me Funny initiative. Aimed at those from or living in Wales, the scheme was launched in November 2017 to find the next generation of comedy scriptwriters. Written by Sion Edwards from Dolgellau and set in a burger van on the A470 - where no-one often stops but there’s always plenty to talk about.

Paul Forde, Commissioning Executive for Comedy Development at 主播大秀 Wales says: “This season showcases the range of comedy talent that currently exists in Wales - from brilliant comedy performers through to comedy writers, all of whom are absolutely at the top of their game.”

As part of Festival of Funny, 主播大秀 Radio Wales has a special week of comedy programmes in its 6.30pm slot and will feature a mix of sitcoms and stand-up. Ankle Tag is a four part sitcom by Gareth Gwynn and Benjamin Partridge about a fraudster dad who is released on parole and cons his way into living with his son. 主播大秀 is an intergenerational sitcom by Robin Morgan, set in a nursing home. And there will be a special comedy edition of The Review Show.

主播大秀 Radio Cymru will showcase the best stand-up in Welsh in a special programme.


Mis o gomedi’n dod i 主播大秀 Cymru

Heddiw, bydd 主播大秀 Cymru yn cyhoeddi manylion llawn eu Gŵyl Gomedi - mis cyfan o gomedi gan sêr enwog ym mis Hydref.

Mae Tourist Trap yn rhaglen ffug-ddogfennol (‘mockumentary’) newydd sbon gyda’r actores gomedi wych Sally Phillips. Mae Sally’n enwog am ei pherfformiadau yn Bridget Jones’s Diary, Miranda a Smack the Pony, ac yn y gyfres hon bydd rhai o’r digrifwyr mwyaf disglair yng Nghymru yn ymuno â hi. Mae’r gyfres chwe rhan, a ysgrifennwyd gan Siân Harries, Tudur Owen a Gareth Gwynn, yn seiliedig ar fwrdd croeso ffuglennol yng Nghymru ac mae’r sêr Elis James, Mike Bubbins, Steve Speirs a llawer mwy o wynebau cyfarwydd yn actio ynddi.

Bydd y digrifwyr unigol gorau o Gymru yn rhannu’r llwyfan â rhai o fawrion y sin comedi, yn ogystal â wynebau newydd yn Stand Up for 主播大秀 Wales. Cyflwynir y rhaglen gan Kiri Pritchard-MacLean o Ynys Môn, Mike Bubbins, Tudur Owen a Lloyd Langford ac yn ymuno â nhw fydd Nish Kumar o The Mash Report ac Angela Barnes a Felicity Ward o Mock The Week, sydd newydd ddychwelyd o Ŵyl Caeredin.

Mae dwy raglen un-tro yn rhan o’r tymor hefyd. Bydd Bob Pugh (Game of Thrones) a Steve Speirs (Stella) yn dod at ei gilydd i greu un rhaglen arbennig, sef The Tuckers, a ysgrifennwyd gan Speirs. Mae’r comedi sefyllfa wedi’i leoli yng nghymoedd de Cymru ac mae’n adrodd stori teulu o fentrwyr. Er nad oes ganddynt lawer o arian mae ganddynt ddigon o ysbryd ac maent yn benderfynol o oroesi drwy unrhyw fodd posib.

In My Skin - comisiynwyd y gyfres hon ar y cyd â 主播大秀 Three - ac mae Rhodri Meilir (Hidden, Hinterland, Pride, My Family) a Jo Hartley (This Is England) yn actio ynddi. Mae’n dilyn Bethan Gwyndaf, merch 16 oed sy’n byw dau fywyd, a realiti ei bywyd gartref - sy’n wahanol iawn i’r argraff mae’n ei chreu i’w ffrindiau ysgol.

Mae Outsiders, a ysgrifennwyd gan bum dramodydd o Gymru, yn ddrama gomedi newydd gyda chaneuon. Mae’r actor a’r canwr Noel Sullivan (Ordinary Lies, Hear’Say) yn actio Tom, sy’n credu ei bod hi’n bryd i’w grŵp ieuenctid ddod i adnabod y person y tu mewn iddynt, ar y tu allan. Ond pan fydd therapi grŵp a hwyl wedi’i drefnu yn gwrthdaro, mae pethau drwg yn digwydd.

Comisiynwyd Halfway fel rhan o fenter ‘Find Me Funny’ 主播大秀 Cymru. Mae’r cynllun wedi’i anelu at bobl sy’n dod o Gymru neu’n byw yno, ac fe’i lansiwyd ym mis Tachwedd 2017 i ddod o hyd i’r genhedlaeth nesaf o sgriptwyr comedi. Ysgrifennwyd y comedi gan Siôn Edwards o Ddolgellau ac mae wedi’i seilio mewn fan byrgyrs ar yr A470. Er nad yw pobl yn stopio yno’n aml, mae bob amser digon i’w drafod.

Dywedodd Paul Forde, Swyddog Comisiynu Gweithredol Datblygu Comedi yn 主播大秀 Cymru: “Mae’r tymor hwn yn arddangos amrwyiaeth o dalent comedi sy’n bodoli yng Nghymru – o berfformwyr comedi gwych i’r sgriptwyr, mae pawb yn sicr ar frig eu ”
Fel rhan o’r Ŵyl Gomedi, mae gan 主播大秀 Radio Wales wythnos arbennig o raglenni comedi yn ei slot 6.30pm a bydd yn darlledu cymysgedd o gomedi sefyllfa a digrifwyr unigol.

Mae Ankle Tag yn gomedi sefyllfa 4 rhan gan Gareth Gwynn a Benjamin Partridge am Tad twyllodrus sydd yn gadael y carchar ar fechniaeth ac yn twyllo ei ffordd i gartref ei fab. Ac mae 主播大秀 yn gomedi gan Robin Morgan wedi ei osod mewn cartref i’r henoed.
A bydd pennod arbennig o The Review Show yn edrych yn benodol ar gomedi.

Bydd 主播大秀 Radio Cymru yn darlledu rhaglen arbennig o rai o gomediwyr stand-yp gorau Cymru.