
Lee Mead joins the line-up for 主播大秀 Wales' Proms In The Park 2018

West End star and Holby City actor Lee Mead is joining this year’s line-up for 主播大秀 Wales’ Proms in the Park in Colwyn Bay on Saturday 8 September.

Published: 15 August 2018
I am thrilled to be invited to perform at Proms in the Park in Wales this year.
— Lee Mead

Already on the bill are mezzo-soprano Katherine Jenkins, 16 year old pianist and winner of 主播大秀 Young Musician 2018 Lauren Zhang and Only Kids Alloud - who will all perform with the 主播大秀 National Orchestra and Chorus of Wales.

Lee says: “I am thrilled to be invited to perform at Proms in the Park in Wales this year. It is always such a special event and I am really excited to see everyone in Colwyn Bay.”

Cllr Louise Emery, Conwy County Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Economic Development, says: “It’s great that 主播大秀 Wales has secured high profile artists for Proms in the Park in Colwyn Bay, and are again highlighting we have the right environment for great events. Events are extremely important to Conwy County as they provide significant economic benefit for many of our businesses. I encourage those who haven’t as yet bought your ticket to do so as you won’t be disappointed.”

Visitors are invited to bring picnics, deck chairs and flags to celebrate the Last Night of the Proms. The evening will end with fireworks and the Last Night medley of sing-a-long numbers, joining with the audience at the Royal Albert Hall and with parks across the UK.

Tickets for the event are on sale and available from , Llandudno.

To keep up to date with event news including artist and ticket details, see


Seren y West End Lee Mead i berfformio yn Proms yn y Parc 主播大秀 Cymru 2018

Mae seren y West End ac actor Holby City Lee Mead yn ymuno â rhestr perfformwyr Proms yn y Parc 主播大秀 Cymru ym Mae Colwyn ddydd Sadwrn 8 Medi.

Eisoes wedi eu cyhoeddi mae’r mezzo-soprano Katherine Jenkins, y pianydd 16 oed ac enillydd Cerddor Ifanc y 主播大秀 2018 Lauren Zhang ac Only Kids Allowed, a phawb yn perfformio gyda Cherddorfa a Chorws Cenedlaethol Cymreig y 主播大秀.

Meddai Lee: “Rwy wrth fy modd fy mod i wedi cael gwahoddiad i berfformio yn Proms yn y Parc yng Nghymru eleni. Mae o wastad yn gymaint o ddigwyddiad arbennig a dwi’n edrych mlaen yn arw at weld pawb ym Mae Colwyn.”

Dywedodd y Cynghorydd Louise Emery, Aelod Cabinet Datblygu Economaidd Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy: “Mae’n wych bod 主播大秀 Cymru wedi sicrhau artistiaid adnabyddus ar gyfer Proms yn y Parc ym Mae Colwyn, gan amlygu unwaith yn rhagor bod yr amgylchedd iawn gennym ni i gynnal digwyddiadau gwych. Mae digwyddiadau yn hynod o bwysig i Sir Conwy gan eu bod yn darparu budd economaidd sylweddol i lawer o’n busnesau. Rwy’n annog y rheiny ohonoch chi sydd heb brynu eich tocyn eto i wneud hynny’n ddi-oed - chewch chi mo’ch siomi.”

Mae’r achlysur teuluol poblogaidd yn croesawu torfeydd i ddod â phicnic a baneri gyda nhw i ddathlu Noson Ola’r Proms y fwynhau noson o gerddoriaeth, tân gwyllt a hwyl. Daw’r noson i ben gyda chynulleidfa Neuadd Albert yn ymuno â pharciau ar draws y DU.
Mae tocynnau ar werth o , Llandudno.

Am y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y digwyddiad yn cynnwys artistiaid a thocynnau ewch i