
主播大秀 Cymru Wales, National Theatre Wales and 主播大秀 Writersroom Wales join forces again to find the next Wales Writer in Residence

In 2020 主播大秀 Cymru Wales, National Theatre Wales and Writersroom Wales are coming together again to search for the next Wales Writer in Residence.

Published: 9 December 2019
Winning Wales Writer in Residence 2019 has been amazing so far. It’s opened many doors and after years of writing it’s been the leg up I’ve needed to launch me into a successful career writing across all platforms here in Wales and beyond.
— Rhiannon Boyle

English Language Version

This prestigious scheme, created in 2019, has been designed to develop and support Welsh writing talent.

The initiative offers the winning writer the opportunity to hone their craft over a portfolio of media, encompassing stage, sound and screen. During their yearlong residency they will spend six months working with the 主播大秀, including 主播大秀 Studios, followed by six months with NTW, and receive financial support. They’re offered physical space to write in, access to industry expertise and support to develop their ideas and talent.

The Welsh Writer in Resident will be offered a 主播大秀-broadcast credit in the form of a 主播大秀 Radio 4 drama commission.

This year writers are able to submit previously unproduced scripts in any medium alongside a pitch for an audio drama. Writers will be judged on both their writing flair alongside the compelling originality of their audio drama idea. The award is open to anyone over the age of 18 who can represent the culture of Wales with authenticity (for example you may be from, or have lived or worked in Wales).

The submission window for entrants is open from Monday 10 February until Monday 11 May. The scheme is for English language scripts and will be managed by the 主播大秀 Writersroom team in Wales.

For more details please see the website: bbc.co.uk/writersroom/wales

The inaugural Wales Writer in Residence award was won by Holyhead-born writer Rhiannon Boyle. Rhiannon said of her 2019 win:
“Winning Wales Writer in Residence 2019 has been amazing so far. It’s opened many doors and has led to lots of exciting meetings and opportunities. From developing TV drama ideas with 主播大秀 studios, to mentorship from established writer Matthew Hall, to some pretty immersive and thorough audio drama training. After years of writing it’s been the leg up I’ve needed to launch me into a successful career writing across all platforms here in Wales and beyond.”

Rhiannon’s award winning script, Safe From Harm will be broadcast on 主播大秀 Radio 4 in 2020.

主播大秀 Cymru Wales Director Rhodri Talfan Davies says: “The Wales Writer in Residence offers aspiring scriptwriters an unique opportunity to develop their craft and get their work produced. It’s also an opportunity for 主播大秀 Wales, National Theatre Wales and 主播大秀 Writersroom and to celebrate the best in Welsh scriptwriting, and to seek out new talent. Now in its second year, we are looking for writers who can tell original and compelling stories about Wales.”

Kully Thiarai, Artistic Director at National Theatre Wales, says: “We were delighted by the sheer variety of great work submitted during last year's inaugural Wales Writers in Residence initiative, so we are thrilled to see what emerges from this year’s call out.

“This year, we are looking for the same high standard. Original works written with passion, imagination and conviction that will draw in audiences to the writers intimate story-telling world. We want to encourage writers to be bold, ambitious, experimental! We can't wait to read your scripts.

“National Theatre Wales is once again proud to collaborate with 主播大秀 Cymru Wales and 主播大秀 Writersroom for the 2020 Writers in Residence venture, supporting, developing and nurturing the next generation of writers in Wales.”


Welsh Language Version

Unwaith eto, bydd 主播大秀 Cymru Wales, National Theatre Wales a 主播大秀 Writersroom Cymru yn cydweithio i ddod o hyd i Awdur Preswyl nesaf Cymru

Yn 2020, bydd 主播大秀 Cymru Wales, National Theatre Wales a Writersroom Cymru yn dod ynghyd i chwilio am Awdur Preswyl nesaf Cymru.

Mae’r cynllun mawreddog hwn a grëwyd yn 2019 wedi’i lunio i ddatblygu ac i gefnogi dawn ysgrifennu Cymru.
Mae’r menter yn rhoi’r cyfle i’r awdur buddugol fireinio ei grefft dros bortffolio o gyfryngau sy’n cwmpasu sgriptiau llwyfan, sain a sgrin. Yn ystod eu cyfnod preswyl o flwyddyn, byddant yn treulio chwe mis yn gweithio gyda’r 主播大秀, gan cynnwys 主播大秀 Studios, ac yna chwe mis yn gweithio gyda National Theatre Wales. Byddant hefyd yn derbyn cymorth ariannol. Byddant yn cael gofod i ysgrifennu ynddo, mynediad at arbenigedd y diwydiant a chefnogaeth i ddatblygu eu syniadau a’u dawn.

Bydd yr Awdur Preswyl yn derbyn cydnabyddiaeth darlledu gan y 主播大秀 ar ffurf comisiwn drama i 主播大秀 Radio 4.

Eleni, gall yr awduron gyflwyno sgriptiau sydd heb gael eu cynhyrchu o’r blaen mewn unrhyw gyfrwng ynghyd â chynnig syniad am ddrama sain. Bydd yr awduron yn cael eu beirniadu ar eu dawn ysgrifenedig ynghyd â gwreiddioldeb grymus syniad eu drama sain.

Mae’r gystadleuaeth yn agored i unrhyw un dros 18 sy’n gallu cynrychioli diwylliant Cymru yn ddilys (er enghraifft efallai eich bod yn dod o Gymru, wedi byw yma neu weithio yma).

Bydd y cyfnod cyflwyno ar agor i ymgeiswyr o ddydd Llun 10 Chwefror tan ddydd Llun 11 Mai. Mae’r cynllun ar gyfer sgriptiau Saesneg a byddant yn cael eu rheoli gan dîm 主播大秀 Writersroom Cymru.

I gael rhagor o fanylion, edrychwch ar y wefan bbc.co.uk/writersroom/wales

Yr awdures Rhiannon Boyle, a anwyd yng Nghaergybi, enillodd gwobr Awdur Preswyl Cymru am y tro gyntaf. Ar ôl ennill yn 2019, dywedodd Rhiannon: “Mae ennill Awdur Preswyl Cymru 2019 wedi bod yn wych hyd yma. Mae wedi agor llawer o ddrysau ac mae wedi arwain at lawer o gyfarfodydd a chyfleoedd cyffrous. O ddatblygu syniadau dramâu teledu gyda 主播大秀 Studios, i gael mentoriaeth gan yr awdur sefydledig Matthew Hall, a derbyn hyfforddiant drama diddorol a thrylwyr. Ar ôl blynyddoedd o ysgrifennu, dyma’r hwb roeddwn ei angen i sefydlu fy ngyrfa lwyddiannus yn ysgrifennu ar draws yr holl lwyfannau yma yng Nghymru a thu hwnt.”

Bydd sgript Rhiannon ‘Safe From Harm’ sydd wedi ennill gwobrau yn cael ei ddarlledu ar 主播大秀 Radio 4 yn 2020.

Dywedodd Rhodri Talfan Davies, Cyfarwyddwr 主播大秀 Cymru: v“Mae menter Awdur Preswyl Cymru yn rhoi cyfle unigryw i sgriptwyr ddatblygu eu crefft a chael eu gwaith wedi’u cynhyrchu. Hefyd, mae’n gyfle i 主播大秀 Cymru, National Theatre Wales a 主播大秀 Writersroom i ddathlu sgriptwyr gorau Cymru ac i chwilio am ddoniau newydd. Nawr yn ail flwyddyn y gystadleuaeth, rydym yn chwilio am awduron sy’n gallu dweud straeon gwreiddiol a gafaelgar am Gymru.”

Dywedodd Kully Thiarai, Cyfarwyddwr Artistig National Theatre Wales: “Roedden ni wrth ein boddau gyda'r amrywiaeth o waith gwych a gyflwynwyd llynedd ym menter gyntaf Awdur Preswyl Cymru. Felly, rydyn ni’n hynod gyffrous i weld beth fydd yn cael ei gyflwyno eleni.

“Eleni, rydyn ni’n chwilio am yr un safon uchel. Sgriptiau gwreiddiol sydd wedi’u hysgrifennu ag angerdd, dychymyg ac yn argyhoeddiad, a fydd yn ennyn diddordeb y cynulleidfaoedd i fyd personol dweud stori'r awduron. Rydyn ni eisiau annog awduron i fod yn fentrus, yn uchelgeisiol ac yn arbrofol. Rydyn ni’n edrych ymlaen at ddarllen eich sgriptiau.

“Unwaith eto, mae National Theatre Wales yn falch o gydweithio â 主播大秀 Cymru Wales a 主播大秀 Writersroom Cymru ar y fenter Awduron Preswyl 2020 sy’n cefnogi, yn datblygu ac yn dod o hyd i’r genhedlaeth nesaf o awduron yng Nghymru.”