
Rylan Clark-Neal

The world’s biggest music competition returns this May as the Eurovision Song Contest, one of the longest-running and most-watched non-sporting events in the world, is broadcast live from Tel Aviv across the 主播大秀.

Published: 14 May 2019
I really like Albania’s entry actually, I’ve had that on in the car singing away to it with no clue what I’m saying.
— Rylan Clark-Neal

You’re back for a second year! You were so hugely popular last year - are you sticking with the same style?

Majorly. I mean, I wouldn’t say I have style (haha) I’m just happy to be there and having a laugh! I love it.

Have you been to Tel Aviv before? If so tell us a bit more about it…

No I haven’t and like last year I probably won’t see much of it as Eurovision is a FULL ON SCHEDULE! haha.

You obviously had a hand in picking Michael along with the public this year - what was it about him that stood out for you?

He’s a nice guy, and sometimes nice guys do come first, his voice is absolutely effortless and I think he’ll be a great rep for the United Kingdom

What do you think are our chances this year?

Ohhhhhhh leave it out with the chances, it’s not about chance at all it’s about the experience. I know one day Eurovision will return home to us and I think Michael is a great ‘chance’ for us!

Have you heard any of the other countries entrants yet? What are you most looking forward to on this year in terms of staging/performance as well as song?

Yes I’ve been listening to all countries entries, I really like Albania’s entry actually, I’ve had that on in the car singing away to it with no clue what I’m saying.

Do you have any pre-show rituals or superstitions before?

Teeth check, there’s nothing worse than food stuck in these big old veneers!

Describe Eurovision in three words?

Viva la diva!

What are your favourite Eurovision memories?

There’s so many to list, Loreen, Dana International, but on a personal note being there for the first time last year and being part of it.

Where will you be for the final?

I will be reading out the United Kingdom’s jury votes live from London!

How does Eurovision compare to the kind of TV work you do the rest of the year?

It’s a bubble, it’s like it’s a dream and all that exists is Eurovision.

What are your tips for people having a Eurovision party at home?

Dress up, perform and sing along, and get your flag out!

And lastly, why should the UK get behind Michael this year?

He’s a lovely guy, got a great voice, a great song and ultimately he’s ours. It’s always good to support your own.