
Tom York is Sam Carne

Tom York reveals he might like to play a villainous character next, after portraying the pious Methodist Sam Carne in Poldark.

Published: 6 July 2019
This final series of Poldark is jam-packed with action, excitement, drama and love - more so than ever.
— Tom York

"I would love to play a baddie! Sam is very earnest and sincere, and although he is not always right you know that his heart is always in the best place, which is a wonderful thing and definitely something I have really loved about playing him. Sam has taught me to have faith in the way things will work out, and that it is not always about making the right decision but more about making the best decision you can. He is a good man and he has opened me up and made me a better person, but it would be really fun to play someone next with a bit of darkness in them!"

Tom discusses what is in store for Sam in the final series of the much loved drama.

"There are still the same problems in Cornwall, with people struggling to earn enough money to feed their families, and so at the start we find Sam -prompted by Demelza - taking charge of things a little bit more and trying to find a way of helping the people who are in need all around him.

The Methodists at the time had a reputation of working and enabling through education and we pay homage to that, as Sam starts to set up a school and he wants to teach young people how to read, in the hopes that being literate will open doors of opportunity and maybe lead to a better life."

Tom reveals a little about the drama that unfolds with Sam’s turbulent love life this series.

"He has been left by Emma, so he now has the opportunity to find a new love if it is out there. Rosina catches Sam’s eye quite early on, even before the prompting really starts from the family. He is aware of her, she is a God-fearing girl, she is a good woman and is obviously beautiful so it doesn’t take too much persuading for Sam to go down that line of thinking, and his heart starts to open up towards her. But then trouble strikes when Tess Tregidden (Sofia Oxenham) arrives."

She is a troublemaker and bad egg and everyone can tell this about her, but one fateful day she corners Sam and confesses to him that she is a sinner seeking forgiveness. Sam is obviously trepidatious and suspicious of her but that is also his mission, to help save people who are in need of saving and Tess certainly is. He gives her a chance and soon starts to see a development, this new faith within her, but little does he know he is being manipulated. Demelza and Drake see through it but Sam is determined to believe in the good in people and the power of faith to help people. So he puts his relationship with his family on the line to prove it."

Tom talks about what it was like to join the show with his on-screen brother, Harry Richardson, and to experience the ride together.

"Harry and I have a real brotherly bond. This experience has been a rollercoaster and I am so grateful for Harry and for everything we have gone through together. To have that brother in crime and to be able to bounce off each other, and to experience all of this alongside such a good friend, has been special. I will definitely miss him."

Working alongside friends isn’t all Tom is going to miss.

"I am really going to miss Cornwall. I love everything we do in Cornwall, especially in Swale. Everything you get down there you get for free, you are just out in the world and it is so beautiful and rich. There is a wedding this series and we had a specific plan all mapped out for the scene but then it poured with rain so we had to scrap all of the ideas we had planned and do something else entirely. We were all huddled together to escape the rain, which obviously made us all giggle and it just felt like a real moment caught on camera rather than a scene we were shooting. That was my favourite moment from filming this series."

Tom reveals why he thinks people will love the final series.

"We have seen what Debbie (Horsfield) can do when she has Winston Graham’s wonderful books to work off, and this series we get to see what Debbie can do when she has free rein. The final series of Poldark is jam-packed with action, excitement, drama and love. More so than ever, this series has so much to offer."

Foreword by Debbie Horsfield

"When I first picked up the novel Ross Poldark in 2012 I had no idea that seven years later I’d have adapted seven books and completed five series (43 hours!) of Winston Graham’s extraordinary Poldark saga.

In 2015, with great trepidation, we awaited the response to series one - knowing that the 1970s adaptation had been massively popular, and praying that we’d done justice to these amazing stories, characters and Cornwall. Fortunately the casting - Aidan (Turner), Eleanor (Tomlinson), Jack (Farthing), Heida (Reed), Luke (Norris), Kyle (Soller) and Ruby (Bentall) - found favour with audiences, and to our great delight we were asked for more.

Although none of us ever dared to look more than one series ahead, we found ourselves approaching the end of series four (and book seven, The Angry Tide) with something of a dilemma. Our cast was optioned for five series - so what to do with an 11-year time jump and five more books? We knew we’d never be able to wrap up five books in a single series, but no-one wanted to call time just yet, so we looked at another option.

In book eight (The Stranger From The Sea), 11 years down the line, we meet Ross abroad on a special mission for the government. How did he go from restless, sometimes reckless, and somewhat disillusioned MP, who despaired of ever really 'making a difference' in the world, to Special Agent Poldark, sent by the Crown to report from Portugal on the Peninsula War against Napoleon?

Winston Graham had left plenty of hints in book eight about events which had happened in those intervening years, but he gives little away about how Ross achieved that transformation. So for me it was the starting point, the way to navigate through series five. Winston Graham’s son Andrew endorsed my wish to continue his father’s methodology: looking at the historical context (Napoleonic Wars, Act of Union, fast-approaching Abolition of Slavery) and using real events and real people to drive the narrative.

So what would be our events and who would be our new characters? It seemed to me that one thing we had never met so far was a character to whom Ross really looked up to, even to the extent of hero-worship. So when I was researching the early 1800s I came across Colonel Edward Despard. Reading about him I was so reminded of Ross himself that I felt sure Winston Graham knew of him (though Andrew Graham thinks not).

Ned Despard was a war hero who, like Ross believed in justice, compassion, equality and liberty for all. His wife Catherine was a former slave from Jamaica. And her rise to be his equal, her determination in the face of prejudice and scorn was uncannily reminiscent of Demelza’s own journey. As was the love and devotion both couples felt for each other. I wanted Ned to be part of Ross’ journey towards greater maturity, to be the salutary lesson, his 'there but for the grace of God'.

Tracing Despard and Catherine’s real life story, intertwining it with Ross and Demelza’s and seeing them deal with the consequences of that entanglement, forms the spine of series five and introduces on the way other real-life characters such as James Hadfield (would-be assassin of George III), William Wickham (founder of the British foreign secret service) and Joseph Merceron (the 'Godfather' of East London). Inextricably involved with Ross and Demelza’s journey are Ross’s nemesis George Warleggan, as well as friends and allies Dwight and Caroline Enys, Sam, Drake and Morwenna Carne.

It feels strange, and a little sad, to be approaching the transmission of series five knowing that we won’t be returning to Cornwall, but it’s been an extraordinary journey for all of us and we feel truly fortunate to have lived with these characters and stories for so long. What’s next for me? A contemporary series. Watch this space. Not a tricorn in sight. I’m excited for the next project - but I’ll miss that Cornish surf!"

Character Descriptions

Ross hoped to put London behind him to focus on peaceful, family life, but a plea from his old Army Colonel, Ned Despard, compels him to the capital to help. As Ross’ world becomes entangled with the Despards', new alliances and old enemies threaten his loved ones and the nation itself, testing our hero’s resolve like never before.

As she grows into her role of Cornwall’s beloved defender, Demelza is still looking out for the less fortunate of her world. But when the Despards enter her life, Demelza finds there are repercussions to getting involved: Cornwall needs her own help now more than ever, and new forces threaten all she holds dear.

Although he has finally married and settled down with Morwenna, Drake yearns to mend the wounds of her past. As the journey to wedded bliss proves uncertain, Drake’s love is tested. How far is he truly willing to go?

Sam is rising in the community and is admired as a leader. When Tess Tregidden makes it her mission to cause trouble, Sam makes it his to convert her wayward soul. As he helps Demelza in the community, an unexpected romance blossoms for him too.

Though reconciled with Drake in marriage, Morwenna struggles with intimacy, in the wake of her life with her brutish former husband. With the loss of John Conan still haunting her, Morwenna finds her old life overlapping with her new, but as the community come to rely on her she grows into a new role with a hope she had not foreseen.

Geoffrey Charles
Following his mother’s death, Geoffrey takes his future into his own hands and follows in Ross’ footsteps by joining the military. His path takes him to the capital, where an unlikely attraction finds him in the dangerous waters of forbidden love... 

Haunted by the loss of Elizabeth, George looks for his missing spark as he forges onward. His journey sees him entering into an alliance with merchant Ralph Hanson, whose business in the mahogany trade and influence in London promises to expand the Warleggan empire around the world.

The future holds great promise for Dwight, who has finally gained recognition in his field. However, the arrival of the Despards comes to drive an ever-growing wedge between him and Ross, testing Dwight’s loyalty to his closest friend and the strength of his bond with Caroline.

Caroline finds a new distraction in championing the Despards, but old insecurities arise as she joins her friends against their common enemy and finds she must battle with her demons once again.

Having settled into her role in the Poldark family, Prudie is trusted to run the home and family in their stead. With new enemies emerging, Prudie‘s role as Nampara’s guardian becomes more important than ever and she must employ all her cunning to help save their world from being upturned.

An ex-army colonel and Ross and Dwight’s’ ranking officer in American Revolutionary War, Ned was made the governor of British Honduras, where he took a former slave as his wife and tried to implement policies ahead of his time. But when he locked horns with corrupt forces in his posting, Ned was recalled to London and locked away in Coldbath Fields prison, without a fair hearing, leaving him hungry for liberty, vindication and revenge.

A former slave, Kitty fell in love with her master, Edward 'Ned' Despard, whom she married. In her fight to exonerate her husband, Kitty finds allies in our heroes and her resilience gains their admiration, as she carves a determined path through the moral corruption that surrounds them.

A former employee of Trenwith, when Tess suddenly finds herself without the means for an honest life, she harbours revenge against the upper classes. Bitter in her quest for a better life, Tess becomes a persistent thorn in our heroes’ sides, and her machinations threaten the stability of their homes.

The daughter of Ralph Hanson, Cecily is a staunch supporter of the abolitionist movement, putting her at odds with her family and peers. Educated and independent, Cecily is ahead of her time. In pursuit of her own brand of happiness Cecily falls in love with a man in league with her father’s rivals, testing family loyalties as she tries to make her future her own.

Ralph Hanson
Father of Cecily and a wealthy mahogany merchant, Ralph Hanson seeks a new backer to fund his enterprise abroad. To this end he enters an alliance with the Warleggans, and crosses swords with our heroes when his dealings come to impact upon their lives.

Joseph Merceron
Joseph is a powerful and enterprising magistrate with connections and influence throughout the social and political tiers of London.

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