
Drinkers Like Me - Adrian Chiles

Ep. 1/1 -

Adrian Chiles takes a long, hard look at his relationship with alcohol. Like an awful lot of people he’s a steady, seemingly moderate, regular drinker. While he drinks most days, he rarely gets drunk, never lets alcohol get him into trouble and doesn’t get hangovers.

But it turns out he drinks much more than he thought, and his physical and mental health is suffering. But if he’s got a problem then so has half the country.

In this revealingly intimate documentary for 主播大秀 Two, Adrian Chiles takes a long hard look at his love of boozing. He wants to find out why he and many others find life almost impossible to enjoy without it, yet don’t think of themselves as addicted to alcohol.

Adrian, who admits he drinks almost every day, starts a drinking diary and is shocked by what he finds. He goes back to his childhood home where his drinking started, and remembers how his teenage life revolved around boozing. He also revisits his obsession with trying to get served underage in pubs.

He reflects that most of his friendships are built around drinking, and how he relies on alcohol in his social life.

Having been shocked to realise how much he’s drinking, another unpleasant surprise comes Adrian’s way in a consultation with a liver specialist. And a session with an addiction therapist leads him to realise he, and many others, need to cut right down or quit boozing altogether. He wonders if going teetotal might be for him, but a close friend - who hasn’t touched a drop in 30 years - thinks otherwise.

Publicity contact: Programmes Desk

DateMonday, 27 August 2018
Time9:00 PM -
10:00 PM
UpdatesConfirmed for 主播大秀 Two on 27 August at 9pm to 10pm