
The Looming Tower

Ep. 7/10 -

October 2000. John O’Neill (Jeff Daniels), anxious to chalk up a final 'win' in his FBI career, arrives in Aden, Yemen, to lead the investigation of the USS Cole blast.

Ali Sofan (Tahar Rahim) tries smoothing the way with the local military and police by claiming O’Neill is a General. However US Ambassador Barbara Bodine (Jennifer Ehle) dislikes the veteran agent’s blunt, inconsiderate approach.

As police chief Amin (Eyad Nassar) proves obstructive, O’Neill and Soufan turn to high official General Qamish (Ali Suliman) to obtain information on the owner of an impounded boat trailer, leading the agents to a late-night discovery. When questioned, the man reveals a couple of names the agents pounce on - but will Amin let them get anywhere with the next suspect they interview?

Despite O’Neill’s cultural clumsiness, he and Qamish find a mutual respect. The same cannot be said for the attitude of Diane Marsh (Wrenn Schmidt) towards the FBI. She consults Martin Schmidt (Peter Sarsgaard) to agree a rationale for the CIA ignoring a further intel request from the Bureau.

Pictured: Martin Schmidt (Peter Sarsgaard), Diane Marsh (Wrenn Schmidt)

Publicity contact: HF

DateFriday, 7 June 2019
Time9:30 PM -
10:20 PM