
Sacred Wonders

Ep. 2/3 -

Many of the world’s best-known landmarks are inspired by faith, and today more worshippers than ever are flocking to these sacred places. But why do these sites still provoke such passion?

For some they are sanctuaries for quiet contemplation, whilst for others they are sites of astonishing acts of worship, dangerous challenges and extraordinary deeds of devotion, rarely seen by outsiders.

In the second episode of the series, in Mali a young Muslim man helps to re-plaster Djenne’s Great Mosque in the hope of a place in paradise, whilst a Shinto devotee who undertakes a gruelling challenge at the sacred Nachi Falls in Japan hopes to ensure the wellbeing of his country for another year.

At the Cathedral of St John the Divine in New York, an Anglican priest manages an astonishing ceremony to bring people - and their animals -closer to God.

Pictured: The Great Mosque of Djenne, Mali

Publicity contact: BDW

DateWednesday, 14 August 2019
Time9:00 PM -
10:00 PM