
主播大秀 response to the National Audit Office’s report: Managing the 主播大秀's pay-bill

The 主播大秀 welcomes the NAO's conclusion that the 主播大秀 has delivered "significant reforms" and has taken "big steps in improving consistency and fairness" of its pay and terms and conditions.

Published: 16 May 2019

In 2016, the 主播大秀 embarked on this significant programme of reform with the aim of improving pay and practices - introducing five pay principles: 'fair', 'consistent', 'transparent', 'competitive' and 'clear'. Undertaken collaboratively with the 主播大秀's joint unions, the framework of these reforms is now largely complete within the public service. Additionally, following the merger of 主播大秀 Worldwide and 主播大秀 Studios, work is now well underway to apply this new job framework within the commercial side of the organisation.

There has been, and will continue to be, appropriate Board oversight of this work. set the target for the reforms to be broadly cost neutral - which has been achieved - and is kept informed of progress on the programme every month, as highlighted in the NAO’s report, in order to ensure there is appropriate governance and oversight of what is a critical programme for the 主播大秀. Additionally, the Terms and Conditions Steering Committee, with delegated authority from the Board, reviews the programme at a detailed level including the specific tracking of costs and benefits.

We are pleased that the NAO recognises that the 主播大秀 is "well ahead of other organisations with regards to pay transparency", which is consistent with the findings from the two recent independent reviews published earlier this year. The 主播大秀 is leading the media industry in respect of the gender pay gap. The NAO report also finds that "the 主播大秀’s gender pay gap compares well to other media organisations" and "is lower than the national average and most other media organisations".

The reducing trend of the cost and numbers of senior managers continues. The report acknowledges that we have exercised restraint over senior manager pay since 2009 and that the pay for many of our senior leader and executive director roles is set less than the market rate.

As the NAO also acknowledges, the 主播大秀 has "improved its strategic planning and control of spend on those in on-air roles".

In response to the NAO's specific recommendations:

Ensure it learns lessons, and acts on feedback, from its pilots of changes to scheduling and working patterns to ensure it can track benefits and bring about the necessary culture change to implement its reforms successfully.

As the report acknowledges, roll-out to the first pilot site is complete, with further areas due to complete in early Summer 2019. The learnings from these will be applied to the full roll-out which will then follow.

Ensure that senior management reforms in commercial subsidiaries are timely, as well as keeping comparisons between PSB and commercial subsidiaries under active review, to ensure its aim that individuals can easily move between the two is not hindered by issues with pay differentials.

As outlined in the report, the 主播大秀 first needed to implement the merger of 主播大秀 Worldwide and 主播大秀 Studios in April 2018, before the pay reforms could be rolled out in the commercial side. A number of elements of the wider reforms have already been undertaken in 主播大秀 Studios and plans are in place to implement the rest of the reforms over the coming months.

Job family pay ranges are shared across both public service and the commercial subsidiaries and the key terms and conditions reforms apply to both. As the NAO recommends, these will be kept under ongoing review to ensure the movement of individuals between the two sides is facilitated and encouraged.

Keep all pay targets under review to ensure they are stretching, but realistic and that they keep the 主播大秀 in a strong position compared to the public sector and other media organisations.

During the development of the new market-informed pay ranges, the 主播大秀 worked with Willis Towers Watson, recognised industry experts in pay data and benchmarking. Overall, 主播大秀 pay ranges are well placed in the context of the market.

The pay ranges will be reviewed annually, retaining the support of our external advisors to do so where required.

Ensure it has full central oversight and challenge of key data, including the costs and benefits of its terms and conditions reforms, to track the ongoing value for money of its staff pay-bill.

The Terms and Conditions Steering Committee, with delegated authority from the Board, meets regularly to review the programme; this includes the tracking of costs and benefits. Post completion of the negotiations, the Steering Group is being reconstituted to include 主播大秀's .

At Board level, the reports a regular update on the programme; plus the 主播大秀's central Project Management Office independently report on the Terms and Conditions implementation within the 主播大秀's Critical Projects Portfolio. The Board, via the , will keep under review the information that it receives in order to ensure that it is able to discharge its oversight responsibilities for the remainder of the project.

主播大秀 Press Office