
主播大秀 News Press regulation

Leveson Report
11 October 2013 Last updated at 18:20

Parties in press regulation dealNewspaper stand

A deal is done between the three main political parties for a Royal Charter covering press regulation.

News of the World signQ&A: Press regulation

A number of national newspapers have rejected proposals for press regulation agreed by the main political parties in the aftermath of the Leveson inquiry into press ethics. So where does this now leave the plans?

Lord Justice Leveson and his reportLeveson and the internet

Was the report right to avoid the issue?

Inquiry background


The Leveson Inquiry

  • What is it?

    The government ordered the inquiry into press standards after it emerged that the News of the World hacked the phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler. Read more

  • What next?

    Lord Justice Leveson was asked to look into the culture, practice and ethics of the press. His report has recommended changes to how to regulate the press in the future. Read more

Jargon explained

  • 'Hacking'

    Accessing private voicemail messages on a person's mobile from another phone. Read more

  • 'Blagging'

    Where a journalist or private investigator poses as someone else to obtain personal information without consent. Read more

  • 'Pinging'

    How police and security services pinpoint a phone by monitoring which signal masts it is using and triangulating its location. Read more