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ATL Team - Rigsy
RigsyIf it wasn't Across the Line, what would ATL stand for?
Awesome. Total Lunacy.

How many friends do you have on Myspace?
734. Most of them are total weirdoes, though, trying to sell me porn and spamming me about crap music. And that's just the people I'm actually mates with in real life. I love Myspace though. It's nice being able to look at people, find out stuff about them and comment on their page without actually having to talk to them. Genius.

Teenage music tastes: Metaller or Raver?
I discovered The Rave around 1997, when Daft Punk released 'Ö÷²¥´óÐãwork'. It honestly changed me life. I've loved The Rave ever since. The Rave can cure any ailment, get me in a decent mood and generally encourage great happiness. Bring it on.

Single worst exponent of Crimes Against Music?
I hate Metallica. Oh, and I have a (slightly irrational) dislike of the Fratellis and their pesky 'whoops Mrs Miggins you're sitting on my artichokes' style knees-up, faux-cockney nonsense. Although obviously there's a lot worse. Boybands, for a start. Take Westlife for example - they're sitting on stools singing wee ballads for grannies. I mean, wise up.

Deal or No Deal?
I only recently worked out what it's about. Don't know about Noel Edmonds though. No deal.

What song do you dim the lights to?
Spiritualized - 'Let it Come Down' or 'Ladies and Gentlemen we are Floating in Space' - the two greatest albums ever made. Certainly music to be listened to in the dark, but they're break up albums, so I’d probably be listening on my own, under the covers, in tears.

Having said that, this one time, when I was about 19, I had this weird CD player that played 61 CDs for some reason. Kinda like a physical, real version of hitting shuffle on iTunes. Anyway, I brought a girl back to my digs at University. What a result! I stuck on Portishead, which was my make out album back then, or at least would have been, had I been the type of guy who made out enough to have a make out album in the first place. Weird choice of record – it really is an insanely depressing collection of tunes. But anyway, the album ended while we were still getting it on (which is good going I think, it's a long album) and I could hear the next CD being selected. I knew it could be literally anything and feared the worst. What we got, in the middle of a steamy cuddle with the lights dimmed low, was the opening drum riff from Queen, 'We Will Rock You'.

She actually thought I'd set it up so that the change in music would correspond with what we were getting up to on the bed - like I was some kind of uber-creep.

Which fictional character would you most like to be?
Tony Soprano, obviously. You get to eat a lot of great food, play a lot of pool and you also get to have both a wife and a gumar (mistress). Wouldn't be too keen on the whole shooting people for a living buzz, but still, I'd enjoy the sex and the sandwiches.

Have you ever pretended you like the music of an artist/band you simply fancy?
No. I think I should maybe start doing that though, sounds like a great idea.

What's your karaoke number?
Frank Sinatra - I've Got you Under My Skin. Although let me take this opportunity to pass on some wisdom. NEVER attempt 'Come on Eileen', especially when drunk. It is astonishingly difficult to sing.

What would you name your signature fragrance?
"Big smelly Rigsy socks".

Album you would never, ever part with under even the most extreme circumstances...
Would have to be a Spiritualized record. Either 'Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space' or 'Let it Come Down.' Both are gorgeous albums, mostly about getting your heart broken. I love those records so much, I sometimes wish someone would actually properly break my heart so i can appreciate them even more.

Actually, sack that. I’m going to go for The Lo Fidelity Allstars 'How to Operate with a Blown Mind’. No one really talks about them and they aren’t held as one of the finest bands in the world ever, which is the greatest outrage in the history of mankind. Their debut has a track for every mood I’ll ever experience. Although to be fair, most of the moods I experience are directly related to The Rave.

Vinyl, cassette, CD or mp3?
CD for me, still. Simply because I am in love with my CDJ 1000s. DJing with CDJs is the most fun in the world. You can pretend you’re doing fancy stuff and impress a naive dancefloor, whenever the truth is you’re a wee bit drunk and everything is turned up too loud.

Will the revolution be televised?
If they'll put me on the telly, they'll put anything on the telly, so yes, I would imagine so.

What story will you be boring people in the old people's home with later in life?
There’s a really inappropriate story I stupidly keep telling people about an incident involving myself and a friend at the Reading festival in 1999. I don’t come out of the story too good and it’s actually a wee bit... filthy. I guess it’ll be good one to tell my fellow coffin-dodgers, give them something to laugh about.

Is Across the Line ready for it's coming of age and life as a grown-up?
Absolutely not. Across the Line will always be a bratty child that can't be trusted. And rightly so.