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Frontline Scotland: Who Shot Alistair Wilson? Widow of murdered Nairn banker recalls tragic night

Category: Scotland

Date: 02.11.2005
Printable version

Frontline Scotland: Who Shot Alistair Wilson? 主播大秀 ONE Scotland, Wednesday 2 November at 7.00pm

Veronica Wilson, the widow of Nairn banker Alistair Wilson who was shot dead on his doorstep, will tonight relive the horrific tragedy and talk about her life one year on.

The mother of two was interviewed by Frontline Scotland for tonight's documentary, Who Shot Alistair Wilson? (主播大秀 ONE Scotland, 7.00pm).

She recalls the visit by a mysterious stranger who called to speak to Alistair as they were putting their children to bed. Veronica tells Frontline that Alistair was settling down to read the boys a story.

She says: "This is his time with the boys, so he's bathing them and we get them in their jammies and he's settling down to start reading them a story.

"And the doorbell rings. It's somebody I don't know but he asks for Al by name. So I just run back up and Al's sort of. 'Who's come round Sunday evening?'. 'Well, he's asked for you by name'."

She says Alistair went downstairs but came back a little while later saying he did not know the person. The stranger had given Alistair an envelope.

Veronica says: "I suggest that we'll get the kids down and. we'll see if we can figure out who it is. And he just says, 'Och, I'll go now'."

Veronica describes how she ran downstairs when she heard bangs.

She says: "And I ran over and he's covered in blood. he's just lying there. I go into hysterics and just screaming.

"I'm phoning as I'm running back downstairs, down to Al and I'm just pleading with him to hang on, don't leave me."

Veronica is also asked about speculation that she may have been involved in any way. She says: "I never really thought of that until it was highlighted back then.

"I suppose, now looking at it, it makes sense for people on the outside to look at it, but it just doesn't make any sense to me knowing our situation, that why would I have done this? You know, what was the game?

"If we weren't getting on then we would have separated and I would still have Al there as a support.

"I'm alone, it's just me now. I don't see why anybody would think that I would choose to be in this situation. I have no life now.

"As I say, the press and police are part of our life and will be until this is solved. So why would I do this to us as a family unit?"

She adds: "What can I tell my boys when they ask who killed their daddy?"

Detective Chief Inspector Peter MacPhee of Northern Constabulary tells Frontline Scotland that family members have been interviewed.

He says: "We've investigated the immediate Wilson family and the extended family of Veronica very closely and there is no evidence at all to implicate any of them either directly or indirectly with Alistair's death."

Frontline Scotland has also interviewed child protection specialist Helen Kenward, who informed Andrew Wilson that his father had died.

DCI MacPhee discloses details of the investigation, including forensics tests on the murder weapon, a handgun which was found in a gully.

He says: "From the moment I got that telephone call telling me that there'd been a shooting, my thoughts every day are on this case.

"There may be an assumption that the killer thinks he's got away with this. That couldn't be further from the truth.

"Modern day investigations can take some time. We'll take as long as is necessary to identify Alistair's killer and I am confident that's exactly what we'll do."





Category: Scotland

Date: 02.11.2005
Printable version


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