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Information and Support: Living with Cancer / End of life care

Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan Cancer Support provides medical, practical, emotional and financial support to cancer patients, their carers, friends and family.

Phone: 0808 808 0000

Lymphoma Association

Lymphoma Association provides information on the types of lymphoma, treatment and support for those living with the condition, and their families.

Phone: 0808 808 5555

Myeloma UK

Myeloma UK provide information about myeloma and its treatments, practical advice and emotional support.

Phone: 0800 980 3332

Cancer Support Scotland

Cancer Support Scotland provides emotional and practical support on a one-to-one basis and through community-based groups to anyone affected by cancer.

Phone: 0800 652 4531

Action Cancer

Action Cancer provides digital breast screening, M.O.T health checks, support and therapeutic services and health promotion programmes to people across Northern Ireland.

Teenage Cancer Trust

Teenage Cancer Trust funds and builds specialist units in NHS hospitals and provides dedicated staff for young people between 13 and 24 and support for their families.

Marie Curie

Marie Curie provides confidential support and practical information on all aspects of terminal illness.

Phone: 0800 090 2309


Hope supports young people aged between 5 and 25 across the UK when a close family member is diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.

Dying Matters

Dying Matters offers information on end of life and bereavement, including writing a will, funeral plans and end of life care.