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Denis Prose

By Marvin Sordell

Along the road I start to drive,
With Denis Prose right by my side.
He’s only small, but I notice him,
As I gaze and watch the sun come in.

The birds are singing,
The flowers bloom.
It’s all so beautiful,
Until you give him room.

As the sky clouds over, he starts to grow,
But the car is still in my control.
Swerving anxiously from lane to lane,
Whilst the glorious sunshine, turns to grey.

This drive’s becoming ever so tough,
And Denis Prose has had enough.
Big enough now to master the wheel,
Says, ‘I’m in control, just trust me, deal?’

A passenger on my very own journey,
Reduced to watching raindrops so large it’s unearthly.
I have no power but no longer afraid,
Since Denis Prose took over, I’ve just obeyed.

He tells me, close your eyes until I say,
On this journey, you cannot stay.
I’ll take you to, where there is peace,
And above all, a place to sleep.

. . .

Now you can open.
But he’s gone, as my eyes have just awoken.

I look into the distance,
See pearly white doves,
And the youngest to oldest,
Of all my loves.

This place is so peaceful,
But the silence is deafening.
Don’t weep for me though,
I’m free! I’m in heaven.

Mental Health Resources