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Episode 7

Episode 7 of 9

Calum Iain is taking part in the Granite City Rally in the Mitsubishi Evo, Fiona takes the Toyota IQ to task and the Murray family from Livingston test drive the Hyundai IX35.

Na bu tràithe am-bliadhna ghabh Calum Iain cuairt anns an Evo ann an Ralaidh Obar Dheathain. Tha Murray air na tha a' tachairt fhad 's a tha sinn a' leantainn Chalum Iain agus Dàibhidh Bogie thairis air cuairt gu math duilich.

Agus tha Fiona anns an Eaglais Bhric far a bheil i a' dèanamh sgrùdadh air an Toyota IQ. Chan eil ann ach càr beag, ach a bheil e math? Tha an teaghlach Moireach a' cur na cloinne ann an cùl a' chàr agus a' toirt Hyundai IX35 air cuairt mun cuairt Baile Dhùn Shlèibhe. Tha iad ag iarraidh càr teaghlaich mòr, practaigeach - an e Hyundai a tha a dhìth orra?

Agus tha ùpraid ann an Wacky Races na seachdain seo - agus chan eil Murray air a dhòigh leis na tha a' dol air adhart. Cò th' air thoiseach an t-seachdain seo?

Earlier this year Calum Iain took the dust sheets off the Evo to give it a spin at the Granite City Rally. Murray reports on all the action as we follow Calum Iain and SRC favourite David Bogie over a challenging route.

Fiona is in Falkirk trying out the teenie weenie Toyota IQ. It's not big, but is it clever? The Murray family pile the kids in the back seat and take the Hyundai IX35 for a spin round Livingston. They are looking for a roomy, practical family car - so does the Hyundai hit the spot?

And there's a 'carfuffle' on the track in this week's Wacky Races - Murray's not at all happy with the scores. Who 's in the lead this week?

30 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Calum Iain Mackenzie
Presenter Murray MacLeod
Presenter Fiona MacKenzie
