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Episode 2

Episode 2 of 4

Ceòl dùthchasach bho Fèis Ceòl Dùthchail Nashville a Tuath ann an Sgìre Ghallaibh. Country music from the Northern Nashville Country Music in Caithness.

Tha Anne Lundon a' toirt thugainn cuid de na pìosan-ciùil as fheàrr is i aig Fèis Ceòl Dùthchail Nashville a Tuath a tha a' gabhail àite gach bliadhna ann an Sgìre Ghallaibh. Cluinnear seinneadairean is còmhlain-ciùil eadar-nàiseanta agus feadhainn a bhuinneas don sgìre fhèin. Nam measg Johnny Rodriguez, Ashville agus Keith Macleòid.

A bharrachd air air an fhèis fhèin, tha Anne a' coinneachadh ri tè a tha air deagh astar a shiubhal gus a bhith an lathair aig an fhèis - Shirley Fresh à California. Agus cluinnear taisbeanash sònraichte acoustic bho Mary B agus Paul Gallagher ann am bòidhchead nadir na h-Èireann.

Anne Lundon brings you highlights from the Northern Nashville Caithness Country Music Festival. Among the artistes showcased at the festival are Johnny Rodriguez, Ashville and Keith Macleod.

In addition to the festival coverage, Anne meets with a woman who has travelled a fair distance to attend the festival - Johnny Rodriguez 'super-fan' Shirley Fresh from California. And Mary B and Paul Gallagher treat us to a special acoustic performance among Ireland's beautiful scenery.

1 hour


Role Contributor
Presenter Anne Lundon
