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Budget hotels, airline charges, SatNav secrets

Consumer news with Peter White. Will a planned expansion in Budget hotels bring down prices, and are food companies doing all they can to help fight obesity?

Two years ago food manufacturers were invited by government to help frame anti-obesity policies has it worked?

How Sat Nav companies are using your mobile phone , whether you realise it not, to help direct motorists away from traffic jams.

Budget Hotels are set for a big expansion but don't expect prices to drop very much if at all.

Sunglasses- fashion accessory or vision ware; what to look for if you want to protect our eyes.

The government thinks that cost of a parking ticket is proving less and less of a deterrent; ministers say they will consult the public about raising prices.

There's been a British invasion in the Alps to watch the Tour De France; how the world's greatest cycle race has captured our imagination.

The Latitude music and comedy festival bills itself as a family affair; we follow a family to see if it justifies the claim.

You may hate paying them but all those little extras when you take a flight have made your experience better and even cheaper- so says an industry analyst- we test the theory.

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55 minutes



  • Responsibility Deal

    Update on Responsibility Deal, two years on.

    Duration: 05:42

  • SatNav

    How a mobile phone company is selling your data to a sat nav company.

    Duration: 05:40

  • Budget Hotels

    Are budget hotels 'budget' anymore

    Duration: 06:57

  • Sunglasses

    What constitutes a good pair of sunglasses?

    Duration: 04:40

  • Parking

    Are parking fines not big enough?

    Duration: 04:19

  • Tour de France

    The Brits who follow the world's greatest cycling race...

    Duration: 06:40

  • Organic Food

    Organic food sales are up after struggling for five years: why?

    Duration: 03:36

  • Family Festival

    Just how family friendly are festivals – a family prepares for Latitude

    Duration: 04:28

  • Airline Baggage

    How charging for baggage on airlines has been good for consumers.

    Duration: 07:24


  • Fri 19 Jul 2013 12:00



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