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Iraq, World Cup and Young Muslims

Sunday morning religious news and current affairs programme. Iraq, the World Cup and how young Muslims feel about being in the shadow of the Trojan Horse.

Fawaz Gerges from London School of Economics analyses the recent events, who are ISIS and what role is religion playing in the latest crisis. Ahead of a new law coming into force criminalising forced marriage in England and Wales, Jasvinder Sanghera, speaks to William Crawley about how the new law will affect faith communities in the UK and whether it is likely to encourage victims to come forward.
Our correspondent in Santiago Gideon Long reports on the story of adopted children sold by the Catholic church. With the World Cup under way, Mark Dowd Catholic writer and broadcaster speaks about the relationship between faith and football. Bob Walker meets up with a cross-section of young British Muslims gathering opinions on the government's approach to Islam in the shadow of the Trojan Horse enquiry. This is followed by a debate between Oliver McTernan from 'Forward Thinking' and Haras Rafiq from Quilliam foundation.
There is concern in the Church of England that Bats are turning historic church buildings into "bat barns" Anne Sloman, Chair of of the Church of England church building council and Stephen Rudd from Natural England debate the issues.
Fawaz Gerges
Jasvinder Sanghera
Mark Dowd
Oliver McTernan
Haras Rafiq
Anne Sloman
Stephen Rudd

Carmel Lonergan
Dan Tierney.

Available now

45 minutes


  • Sun 15 Jun 2014 07:10

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