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Wedding Dress Secrecy; Phone Theft and ITRA

We look at the secrecy surrounding wedding dresses, hear about a worrying experience with a timeshare refund company and ask why mobile phone thefts are dropping.

Two sides to every story as we hear from a bride who couldn't understand a wedding shop's security measures. And a report into ITRA, who offered a 71-year-old the chance to pay 拢4,000 to leave her timeshare obligation - when she could have left it for free. We'll also be on the bounce with Caz Graham, as our reporter heads to Wales to experience underground trampolining. And the National Crime Survey suggests fewer people are experiencing the particular headache that is mobile phone theft. There's also more on the staggering amount of complaints to the energy ombudsman about billing. We pick apart a typical experience - a threatening letter, when you haven't even received the initial bill. Wilf from Bristol tells us his story.

Available now

56 minutes


  • ITRA

    A woman loses four thousand pounds to a firm pledging to get her out of her timeshare

    Duration: 08:58

  • Comparison Sites

    The FCA says comparison sites are failing customers

    Duration: 05:08

  • Trampoline

    Odd tourism initiative, underground cave trampolining in Snowdonia

    Duration: 07:07

  • Wedding Dresses

    A bride who was not allowed to know the designer or make of a wedding dress

    Duration: 04:42

  • Justice Compensation

    What compensation is available for those wrongly imprisoned?

    Duration: 07:05

  • E.ON Demands

    EON apologise for one man's billing headaches

    Duration: 04:14

  • Single Spirit Bars

    The growing number of bars serving one kind of drink

    Duration: 05:19

  • Stolen Phones

    Decline in the number of people having their mobile phone stolen

    Duration: 03:33

  • Ticketing Fees

    Consumer body Which? are reporting ticketing companies to the CMA

    Duration: 03:34


  • Thu 17 Jul 2014 12:00



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