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Pensions; Pubs; Supermarket politeness

More investigations into multi-million pound pension mis-selling, and how pubs are growing their own for the kitchen. Plus when is the customer never right?

Pensions - An update on You and Yours investigations into pensions mis-selling. We uncover a multi-million pound hole in people's pension pots

Pub food - the pubs turning to "grow their own" to supply their kitchens

Waitrose - the boss of Waitrose tells us his plans to see off challengers in the battle of the supermarkets

Tumours - a mum calls for families to donate the tumours that killed their loved ones

Shopworkers - what happens when the customer is clearly in the wrong?

Presenter Peter White.

Available now

45 minutes


  • Pensions

    An update on You and Yours' investigations into pensions mis-selling.

    Duration: 07:29

  • Shopworkers and Abusive Customers

    What happens when the customer is clearly in the wrong?

    Duration: 05:15

  • Waitrose boss Mark Price

    The Waitrose boss on his plans to see off challengers in the battle of the supermarkets

    Duration: 06:50

  • Tumour Donation

    A mum calls for families to donate the tumours that killed their loved ones

    Duration: 06:13

  • Pub Food

    The pubs turning to grow-their-own to supply their kitchens

    Duration: 08:28

  • Pensions Update part 2

    We uncover a multi-million pound hole in people's pension pots

    Duration: 04:24


  • Fri 5 Dec 2014 12:15



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