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North Uist/Uibhist a Tuath

Episode 4 of 6

Heather Dewar embarks on an island odyssey. She visits North Uist, where traditional crofting exists alongside innovative business.

Anns an dara sreath de " Eileanan Fraoich" tha Fraoch Nic an Deòir à Ìle a' fàgail cofhurtachd a dachaidh airson cuairt tro na h-eileanan. Tha i a' tadhal air Colbhasaidh, Muile, Uibhist a Tuath agus Éirisgeidh, sgìre Stafainn san Eilean Sgitheanach agus fearann na Pàirc ann an Leòdhas.

Anns a' phrògram seo tha Fraoch a' cur eòlas air Uibhist a Tuath anns na h-Eileanan an Iar. Tha i a' cluinntinn mu ghluasad bhon choimhearsnachd airson an eilean a' cheannach, a tha a' dùsgadh caochladh bheachdan, agus a' faighinn a-mach mu ghnìomhachasan ùra. Bì i a' blasadh air bradan smocte ann an ceò na mòna, agus a' cluinntinn mu dhòigh annasach air feamainn a chleachdadh airson todhar - agus fodar bheathaichean.

Chì i lochan fior-uisg' Uibhist agus feuchaidh i ciamar a théid leatha le iasgach slait còmhla ri fear a tha eòlach air gilleireachd; chì sinn' i a' cuideachadh cruitear a' gluasad a chruidh.

In this, the second series of Eileanan Fraoich, Islay-born Heather Dewar leaves the familiarity of home to embark on her own personal island odyssey. She visits Colonsay, Mull, North Uist and Eriskay and explores the communities of Staffin in Skye and South Lochs in Lewis. In this episode, Heather explores North Uist in the Outer Hebrides. Here she learns about a community buyout movement that is dividing opinion amongst residents and finds out about a number of innovative local businesses. She tastes Uist peat-smoked salmon and learns about an innovative way of using seaweed as a fertiliser and animal feed. She also discovers North Uist's beautiful freshwater lochs and trys her hand at fly fishing, accompanied by an experienced Uist ghillie, and helps move a herd of cattle for a local farmer and crofter.

29 minutes