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Gretta the Ground Squirrel

Investigative guides which reveal amazing facts about animals. In this episode the focus is on Gretta, a young ground squirrel who is mum to eight pups.

Sreath a tha a' toirt thugainn fiosrachadh a tha inntinneach agus iongantach mu chuid de na h-ainmhidhean as fhe脿rr leinn. An-diugh, tha sinn a' coinneachadh ri fe貌rag ghr霉nnd air a bheil Flo.

Chan eil beatha fe貌rag ghrunnd uair sam bith d貌rainneach. A h-uile turas a tha am m脿thair 貌g a' tighinn a-mach 脿s an toll fon talamh, tha i ann an cunnart. Am faigh i gu le貌r biadh airson a cuilein mus eil i na dinnear aig creutair eile? A bheil i tapaidh is glic gu le貌r gus i fh猫in a chumail be貌 agus am faigh a cuilein a-mach 脿s an toll? 'S d貌cha gu bheil Flo beag ach tha an sgeulachd aice l脿n chunnartan is thachartasan!

Investigative guides which reveal amazing facts about members of the animal kingdom. In this episode the focus is on Gretta the ground squirrel.

The life of a ground squirrel is never dull. Every time the young mother ventures out of her burrow, she herself becomes bait. Can she find enough food for her pups before becoming another animal's dinner? Is she clever and fit enough to survive and will her pups be able to make it out of the burrow? Gretta may be small but this is one big adventure packed with danger!

22 minutes
