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Haraidh a' Haidhrags/Harry the Hyrax

Investigative series which reveals amazing facts about members of the animal kingdom. Today's focus is on hyraxes - extraordinary creatures which share an ancestor with elephants.

Investigative guides which reveal amazing facts about members of the animal kingdom. Today's focus is on Harry the hyrax. Follow his dramatic story to find out how he outwits eagles with his built-in sunglasses, how he scrambles up vertical rock faces using his suction feet and finally, after leaving his family, how he fights and wins a colony of his own.

Sreath a tha a' toirt thugainn fiosrachadh a tha inntinneach agus iongantach mu chuid de na h-ainmhidhean as fhe脿rr leinn. An-diugh, tha sinn a' coinneachadh ri Haraidh a' haidhrags. Ma leanas sibh sgeulachd Haraidh, gheibh sibh a-mach mar a tha e a' toirt a' char 脿 iolairean chionns gu bheil speuclairean-gr猫ine sna s霉ilean aige, is mar a dh矛reas e creagan cas le chasan annasach. Aig a' cheann thall, an d猫idh sgaradh bhon teaghlach, feumaidh e sabaid airson colonaidh fhaighinn dha fh猫in.

22 minutes
