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The Carters reel as dark secrets about the past come to light. Whitney does her best to support Lee, but things soon take a turn.

Whilst Babe attempts to feign innocence, Shirley rifles through Babe’s scrapbook and claims that the dates in the book are the pictured girls’ due dates. Shirley demands to know exactly what Babe and Queenie got up to down in Ramsgate. Babe explains how lonely and impressionable she was when she was young. When a young, pregnant girl turned to her for support, she took them to Queenie. Queenie knew of a couple that were looking to adopt a child – it became a system - Babe and Queenie would find couples for these unwanted babies. Shirley questions whether their dealings with the babies had anything to do with making money – Babe reluctantly admits that there was a market. Shirley breaks down – she trusted Babe and all along she was going to sell her baby. Babe claims that after Mick came along, she told Queenie she wasn’t interested in their deal anymore. Tina and Mick head outside to find Shirley dousing the caravan in petrol.

As Shirley pulls out her lighter, Mick and Tina remind her that Stan’s ashes are still inside. Once Mick has retrieved Stan’s ashes, Shirley brings out her lighter again, prompting a frantic Babe to dash back inside the caravan. Mick calms Shirley down and reminds her of the reason they came to Ramsgate, before suggesting they take the ashes down to the sea front for one last walk. Back by the sea, Shirley, Mick and Tina reminisce about old days. Shirley suggests that they don’t take the ashes to Billingsgate – they should scatter him out in the sea instead. Babe watches on sadly as Mick, Tina and Shirley stand on the beach, preparing to scatter Stan’s ashes.

Each of the three say their final words to Stan, before Mick scatters the ashes into a trench he’s dug. The trio stand together, united. As they head back to the caravan park, they are stunned to see Babe’s caravan on fire. They turn to see Babe watching the caravan burn, suggesting it has too many bad memories and that it’s time they all moved on. Shirley admits to Babe that she’s aware that Sylvie didn’t want any more kids – she knows Babe saved Mick. Shirley tells Babe to grab her things; she’s coming home with them. Babe’s elated and promises her she won’t regret it. As Mick and Shirley clamber into the car together, Mick calls Shirley ‘Mum’...

Whitney asks Lee upfront why he’s really not at work. Lee reluctantly opens up- he has been asked to talk to his CO about why he’s been missing so much time off of work. Lee panics that he might get discharged and suggests that his current job isn’t for him; he felt alive when he was out on tour. Whitney reassures Lee that she just wants him to be happy; whatever it takes. Whitney covers for Lee when Linda questions why Lee isn’t at work, claiming he was called in by mistake. Lee struggles to hide his disappointment when Linda admits it’s a relief that she and Mick no longer have to worry about Lee being away. On the way to his meeting with his CO, Lee suggests to Whitney that she doesn’t have to accompany him, but she maintains she wants them to be a team like Mick and Linda are.

At the Army Centre, Lee’s face drops when Lieutenant Harry arrives and belittles him. Lee explains that out in Afghanistan, they had a disagreement and he’s never forgiven Lee. Wallace appears and informs Lee that his CO is caught up in another meeting – he suggests Lee and Whitney come with him so they can have a chat about things first. Wallace assures Lee that he’s a good solider – they just want to get him back on track. Whitney interjects and tells Wallace that Lee wants to go back on active service; Wallace suggests they just get today out of the way first. Whitney’s confused at Lee’s annoyance at her outburst - Lee blurts out that trying to do right by everyone is incredibly hard.

Wallace breaks the moment and ushers Lee out, telling Whitney he has to do this part on his own. Whilst Whitney waits for Lee, Lieutenant Harry approaches and suggests to Whitney that she could do much better than Lee. When Whitney scoffs and belittles Harry, he leaves, fuming. Harry finds Lee and describes him as backstabber. When Harry suggests that once he’s done with him, Whitney won’t want to know him, Lee punches him, just as Wallace and Lee’s CO open the door – Lee’s caught red handed. Whitney immediately clocks that something is awry when Wallace returns with a grave expression.

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30 minutes

Audio described


Role Contributor
Shirley Carter Linda Henry
Mick Carter Danny Dyer
Tina Carter Luisa Bradshaw-White
Linda Carter Kellie Bright
Lee Carter Danny-Boy Hatchard
Whitney Dean Shona McGarty
Babe Smith Annette Badland
Lieutenant Harry Fielding Robbie Jarvis
Sgt Major Adam Wallace Jamie Maclachlan
Writer Jaden Clark
Director Richard Lynn
Executive Producer Dominic Treadwell-Collins
