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Ceitidh M貌rag is a' chraobh-theaghlaich/Katie Morag's family tree.

Children's series. Katie Morag and the other children learn about relatives and work on their family trees.

Tha Ceitidh M貌rag agus na sgoilearan eile ag ionnsachadh mu na teaghlaichean aca san sgoil agus ag obair air craobhan-theaghlaich. Tha neach-d脿imh 脿 Canada a' tighinn gus tadhal air Iseabail agus tha leasan cudromach ri ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn cho cudromach sa tha teaghlach nad bheatha.

Katie Morag and the other school children learn about relatives and work on their family trees at school. When a relative from Canada comes to visit Isobel, valuable lessons are learnt about the importance of family in our lives.

14 minutes
