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Chan eil An R矛gh Cluaran gu math/King Thistle Is Not Well

Children's series. King Thistle has a cold. Nanny Plum, Holly and Ben collect ingredients for a magic potion to help him.

Tha am fuachd air an R矛gh Cluaran 's tha e feumach air cungaidh-leighis a tha Nanaidh Plumais, Hoilidh 's Ben dol a chruthachadh dha. Am measg na tha a dh矛th orra airson a' chungaidh, tha dri霉chdan far l矛on damhan-allaidh, sn脿mhas seilcheig agus br霉chd losgainn.

King Thistle has a cold and needs medicine. Nanny Plum, Holly and Ben have fun collecting the ingredients for a magic potion to make him better, including a dewdrop from a spider's web, slug slime and the burp of a frog.

15 minutes
