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Ceitidh M貌rag is Reul Shruthaigh

Children's series. The pupils are asked to write a story for the front page of the local newspaper. Katie Morag tries to find an interesting story.

Tha iarraidh air na sgoilearan sgeulachd a lorg a th猫id air duilleag aghaidh a' ph脿ipear ionadail. Tha Ceitidh M貌rag trang a' feuchainn ri sgeulachd inntinneach a lorg ach chan eil e cho furasta sgeulachd a lorg a bhiodh freagarrach airson an duilleag ghaidh!

The pupils have been asked to write a story that will appear on the front page of the local newspaper. Katie Morag makes herself very busy trying to find an interesting story but that proves to be quite difficult!

14 minutes
