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Episode 11

Megan commemorates 150 years since the publication of Alice in Wonderland with an interesting take on the story, and Morven and Maggie from Islay share their favourite pastimes.

Chaidh an leabhar Alice In Wonderland fhoillseachadh bho chionn 150 bliadhna agus tha Megan a' toirt sealladh spòrsail dhuinn air an sgeulachd iongantach seo. Cuideachd, bidh Morven agus Maggie à Ìle a' sealltainn dhuinn na rudan as fheàrr leotha-san.

Megan commemorates 150 years since the publication of Alice in Wonderland with an interesting take on this very famous story, and Morven and Maggie from Islay share their favourite pastimes.

30 minutes

