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Obair-Taighe/Picture Perfect

Bitzer has completed all his chores and is at a bit of a loss. He's delighted when he discovers the flock's barn needs a good tidy-up.

Tha Bitzer air cr矛och a chuir air an obair-taighe gu l猫ir agus a-nis chan eil c脿il aige ri dh猫anamh. The e air a dh貌igh nuair a mhothachas e gu bheil an t-sabhal feumach air sgioblachadh - gus an tig e tairsinn air dealbh nach gabh a chrochadh gu d矛reach!

Bitzer has completed all his chores and is at a bit of a loss. He's delighted when he discovers the flock's barn needs a good tidy-up, until he comes across a wonky picture that just won't hang straight.

5 minutes
