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Episode 5

Exploring the harsh working environments endured by Alaska's fishermen. Dino lets his crew sleep, but he finds himself in danger without a deckhand in sight.

A h-uile samhradh tha bradain a' dèanamh an slighe suas a Chaolas Cook airson sìolachadh anns na ceudan de aibhnichean. A' feitheamh orra tha Balaich Iasgach Alasga, deiseil airson an glacadh aon uair eile. Ann an dhà no trì sheachdainean feuchaidh iad an tuarasdal bhliadhnail aca a dhèanamh a dh'aindeoin trioblaidean teicnigeach, sìde chaochlaideach, daoine a' dol an aghaidh
a chèile agus poilis na stàite a' cumail sùil gheur orra.

Tha Dino a' leigeil leis a' chrutha cadal ach tha e ga fhaighinn fhèin ann an trioblaid gun duine mun cuairt. Tha Taylor a' fàs mi-fhoighidneach leis an sgioba aigesan. Ged a tha iad claoidhte, tha e fhathast a' putadh airson barrachd obair a dhèanamh. Tha Wes ga fhaighinn duilich iasg a lorg agus nuair a tha bàta eile a' goid an àite far a bheil e ag iasgach, tha e a' tighinn aghaidh ri aghaidh ris an fhear as coireach. Leis an t-sèasan fada, tha Gavin agus Chris sgìth agus tha seo ag adhbharachadh mearachd a dh'fhaodadh a bhith cosgail.

Every summer, schools of salmon swim from the Pacific Ocean through the Cook Inlet and up more than one hundred rivers and streams to spawn in what is an epic migration. Waiting at the end of their journey, the Alaskan fishermen are ready to net the catch of a lifetime. They attempt to make an entire annual wage in a few short weeks while facing mechanical breakdowns, unpredictable weather, heated confrontations and rigorous state police patrolling.

Dino lets his crew sleep, but he finds himself in danger without a deckhand in sight. Taylor's patience is wearing thin as he pushes his crew even though they are visibly fatigued. Captain Wes has trouble finding the fish, and after getting corked, he decides to confront the culprits face to face. Gavin and Chris are exhausted from the long season and Gavin miscalculates the borders of the fishing zone.

45 minutes