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King Thistle takes up the hobby of birdwatching. Using his magic bird book, he spots a woodpecker taking up residence in the Great Elf Tree.

Tha R矛gh Cluaran a' cumail s霉il air na h-e貌in ann an g脿rradh a' chaisteil 's e a' cleachdadh leabhar-draoidheil nan eun gus an aithneachadh air fad. Ach, tha aon chreutair nach eil a' nochdadh san leabhar aige.

King Thistle is bored and takes up the hobby of birdwatching. Using his magic bird book, he spots a woodpecker taking up residence in the Great Elf Tree. The king is keen to attract more birds so is pleased when another creature makes a nest in the Royal Castle. But the magic bird book can't help spotting this creature!

15 minutes
