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Bailtean Fraoich - An t-Eilean Dubh/The Black Isle

Heather Dewar explores remote and picturesque villages along Scotland's coast. She visits the Black Isle, north of Inverness.

Ann am "Bailtean Fraoich" tha Fraoch Nic an Deòir a Ìle a' tadhal air feadhainn dhe na bailtean cladaich is iomallaiche agus is bòidhche ann an Alba. A' siubhal tro bhailtean air tìr-mòr, coimhearsnachdan eileanach, agus rubhaichean farsainn, tha i tuigsinn nach leig thu leas fuireach air eilean airson a bhi cleachde ri beatha eileanaich.

Anns a'phrògram seo tha Fraoch a'gabhail tron Eilean Dubh, a tuath air Inbhirnis. Ged nach e eilean a th'ann, tha a'mhuir cha mhòr ga chuartachadh; ged a tha e faisg air prìomh bhaile na Gàidhealtachd, tha e a'faireachdainn iomallach, dùthchail. Tha i cluinntinn sgeulachd an neach is ainmeile le ceangal ris - Coinneach Odhar, am fàidh san 17mh linn, a fhuair bàs gràineil airson a
bhriathran. Tha Fraoch na deagh dhealbhadair, ach tha na sgilean obair-làimhe a'dol na h-aghaidh nuair a tha i feuchainn ri snìomh cuide ri Màiri Rhind.

Islay-born Heather Dewar visits some of Scotland's most picturesque and remote coastal communities. Travelling through mainland villages, Hebridean communities and vast peninsulas, she realises that it's not necessary to live on an island to experience the life of an islander.

In this episode Heather explores the Black Isle, north of Inverness. Although not an actual island, it is almost entirely surrounded by water, and despite its proximity to the capital of the Highlands, the Black Isle feels remote and rural. Heather finds out about the peninsula's greatest claim to fame - its connection with the Brahan Seer, the legendary figure of the 17th century, whose prophetic powers eventually led to his grisly death.

Heather, a keen artist, shows that her creative skills do not extend to crafting when she attempts to help Mairi Rhind spin some yarn.

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Heather Dewar
