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Glac am Fear Beag

Tha Blake 's Mitch air cuairt-d脿nachd mh貌r. Having been shrunk by the squirrels, Blake and Mitch must survive the dangers of the garden.

Tha na fe貌ragan a' lughdachadh Blake 's Mitch 's iad den bheachd gum bi iad nas fhasa an glacadh - ach tha na gillean a' teicheadh orra 's iad mu sgaoil sa gh脿radh a tha nis na chunnart uabhasach dhaibh.

The squirrels decide to shrink Blake and Mitch so that they will be easier to capture - however, the boys escape into the garden, which now poses great danger to our miniature heroes.

11 minutes
