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GCHQ puzzle book, Independent toy shops, Seasonal workers

This year's stocking filler for the brain-teaser fan: The GCHQ Puzzle Book. For the confused puzzler, two spooks reveal the secrets of thinking laterally.

This year's stocking filler for the brain-teaser fan: The GCHQ Puzzle Book. The Intelligence and Security Agency have released a book of puzzles with the proceeds going to charity. We've got the answer to the puzzle they set for You & Yours listeners, and Louise Minchin talks to two spooks about the secrets of thinking laterally.

There's a warning that a shortage of seasonal workers in Britain's agricultural industry could mean food is left to rot in our fields. The National Farmer's Union tell You & Yours that there's been a drop in the number of workers coming from the EU this year and what they think the government should do to help.

A You & Yours investigation has found that people buying nearly-new cars could be at risk of breaking the law - because of discount deals struck by car dealers. Harry Kretchmer finds out that some pre-registered cars sold before the new owners can be recorded as the registered keeper can cause problems and we've advice on what to look out for.

And during a busy time of year for toy sellers we report on the decline of independent toy shops.

Presenter: Louise Minchin
Producer: Rebecca Maxted.

Available now

45 minutes


  • Seasonal Workers

    The NFU warns the Government that its members are facing a shortage of seasonal workers

    Duration: 05:16

  • GCHQ Puzzle Book

    The intelligence agency who cracked the enigma code release a puzzle book

    Duration: 08:01

  • Downturn Survivor

    We catch up with a council worker made redundant in the downturn.

    Duration: 05:42

  • Subscription Market

    One lady decided to try stay at home for a week surviving on subscriptions.

    Duration: 03:58

  • Independent Toy Shops

    What are the independents doing to tempt children and parents through their doors?

    Duration: 07:07

  • Pre-registered Cars

    People buying nearly-new cars could be at risk of breaking the law.

    Duration: 08:16


  • Wed 7 Dec 2016 12:15



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