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Episode 5

Episode 5 of 6

Series following Donald MacSween as he tries to make it as a full-time crofter. It's autumn and local bull Del Boy arrives to visit Sweeny's new cows.

Tha e a-nise aig deireadh an Fhoghair, agus tha Del Boy, tarbh na sgìre, a' cèilidh air crodh Sweeny, 's na rùdan air an cur gu na caoraich. Tha turas gun bhùidsear a' cosnadh sgillinn no dhà dha cuideachd agus e a' togail a' chiad isbeanan feòil-mairt a chaidh àrach air an Lot, agus chan eil Innes agus Sweeny nan tàmh agus iad a' dèanamh deiseil airson tein'-aighear Coimhearsnachd Nis agus taisbeanadh cleasan-teine, a dh' aindeoin an droch aimsir!

It's autumn on the lot and Del Boy, the local bull, arrives to visit Sweeny's new cows, and his rams are let out to the sheep. A trip to the butcher proves profitable as he collects his very own home-reared pork sausages, and it's all hands on deck for himself and Innes as they prepare for the Ness community bonfire and fireworks display, despite the wild weather!

30 minutes
