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Blind Parenting, Life Drawing Class

Tom Walker meets Joe Kenny and Louise Neeson from Belfast, who talk about their experience of parenting. Former art student Sarah Newman talks about a new life drawing class.

Tom Walker visits Joe Kenny and his partner Louise Neeson in Belfast, who talk about parenting with little or no sight.
Peter White talks to former art student Sarah Newman about her interest in drawing and talks about a new life-drawing course which she has instigated for visually-impaired people and which will be hosted by The Wallace Collection in London.
Sarah talks about the sensitivities around life-drawing for both the models and the artists and says that as a participant in a mainstream class she felt uncomfortable at having to go closer than the sighted members in the group.

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20 minutes

Sarah Newman

Sarah Newman
Sarah Newman is looking for interested people to join her in a life-drawing class for visually-impaired artists.


  • Tue 25 Apr 2017 20:40

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